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A few of my favourite things... (Decklists)

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As a fitting thread for those who Celebrate Christmas today (and those who don't!). A good portion of my gift-giving around this season involves sharing my favourite discoveries of the year (books, music etc) with people I think will appreciate them. Now while we probably have a lot of discoveries in common due to shared hobbies and (largely) a shared culture & language, I wasn't going to delve into those lists... but rather into the only lists that matter. Decklists.


I thought it'd be fun if each of us shared a decklist that brings us real pleasure in playing the game - be it from a Jaime, Ned, Shagga perspective, be it tweaked or not, whether it wins or not, whether it's your creation or not. Just share a list you enjoy!

Here's my current personal favourite (I also like to think of it as Nate French's favourite deck). It's barely tweaked, only been out to a single game night so far, but I had an absolute blast with it: This Tournament is Rigged! (Lanni/Rose)

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Great idea - and happy holidays to everyone in the community!


One of my most favourite cards to have been released in recent months is Littlefinger's Meddling, and the deck that I built around it has been lots of fun to play (though its success rate has been middling to fairly positive). After a few weeks of tryharding for early store championships, I'm looking forward to taking it for a spin in a post-Valar world.

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I've been playing more Melee than usual lately because of this Stark/Lion Blackfish build. Decks like this one would never fly in Joust, but the Melee format lets me try more rush, voltron, or just unusual ideas. 

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