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Murmurs of Evil

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Apprentice Monster Hunter

Apprentice Monster Hunter

Type: Character Faction: The Agency
Cost: 2
Icon: (C) Skill: 2
Action: Sacrifice Apprentice Monster Hunter to choose and wound a monster character with printed skill 3 or lower.
Illustrator: Removed at Illustrators Request
Set: MoE
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Crazed Shoggoth

Crazed Shoggoth

Type: Character Faction: Yog-Sothoth
Cost: 3
Icon: (T)(C)(C)(A) Skill: 3
Toughness +1.
At the beginning of your story phase, Crazed Shoggoth must commit to a story chosen by your opponent, if able.
Illustrator: Jeff Himmelman
Set: MoE
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Type: Support Faction: Neutral
Cost: 1
Attachment. Item.
Attach to a character you control.
Action: Exhaust attached character and return Crowbar to your hand to wound a character with skill 1 or lower.
Illustrator: Bruce Moffet
Set: MoE
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Cursed Skull

Cursed Skull

Type: Support Faction: Yog-Sothoth
Cost: 1
Artifact. Item.
Action: Pay 1 and sacrifice Cursed Skull to choose an opponent, That opponent must sacrifice a character.
Illustrator: A. L. Ashbaugh
Set: MoE
Erin Moirai

Erin Moirai

Biology Student
Type: Character Faction: Miskatonic University
Cost: 3
Icon: (A)(I)(I) Skill: 2
Response: After you play Erin Moirai, choose and ready an exhausted character or support card.
Illustrator: Gabrielle Portal
Set: MoE
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Feathered Serpent

Feathered Serpent

Type: Character Faction: Cthulhu
Cost: 4
Icon: (T)(T)(T) Skill: 3
Serpent. Monster.
Action: Change one of Feathered Serpent's (T) icons into (C)(A) until the end of the phase.
Illustrator: Mike Capprotti
Set: MoE
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Harbinger of Insanity

Harbinger of Insanity

Type: Character Faction: Hastur
Cost: 3
Icon: (T)(T) Skill: 2
Action: Sacrifice a Cultist character to take control of a character with printed skill 2 or lower until the end of the phase.
Their enemies were reduced to gibbering lunatics.
Illustrator: Jason Ward
Set: MoE


Type: Support Faction: The Agency
Cost: 1
Attachment. Weapon.
Attach to a character you control.
Action: Exhaust Machete to give attached character Fast and (C)(C) until the end of the phase.
Even after a 10-mile trek through the jungle, the blade was sharp enough to sever a limb.
Illustrator: Jason Caffoe
Set: MoE
Mi-Go Brain Cylinder

Mi-Go Brain Cylinder

Type: Support Faction: Shub-Niggurath
Cost: 0
Action: Exhaust a Mi-Go character to look at the top X cards of your deck and return them in any order. X is equal to that character's skill.
Special Attribute: Steadfast x2 Shub-Niggurath
Illustrator: Prof Herbert
Set: MoE
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Mi-Go Caretaker

Mi-Go Caretaker

Type: Character Faction: Shub-Niggurath
Cost: 2
Icon: (A) Skill: 1
Your Mi-Go characters get +1 skill.
Illustrator: Carlo Bocchio
Set: MoE
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Obsessive Playwright

Obsessive Playwright

Type: Character Faction: Hastur
Cost: 2
Icon: (A)(A) Skill: 2
Cultist. Lunatic.
Action: Drive Obsessive Playwright insane to return a Tome or Artifact support card from your discard pile to your hand.
Illustrator: Jarreau Wimberly
Set: MoE
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Ravenous Piranhas

Ravenous Piranhas

Type: Character Faction: Cthulhu
Cost: 3
Icon: (C)(C)(C) Skill: 2
The school swarmed in, and in a matter of minutes, there was nothing left but bones.
Illustrator: Jason Ward
Set: MoE
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Searching the Reserves

Searching the Reserves

Type: Event Faction: Miskatonic University
Cost: 0
Action: Exhaust a [Miskatonic University] character to return an Artifact or Tome support card from your discard pile to your hand.
Special Attribute: Steadfast x1 Miskatonic University
It's down here somewhere. We just need to find it.
Illustrator: Yoann Boissonnet
Set: MoE
Shrine to Yig

Shrine to Yig

Worship of an Ancient Evil
Type: Support Faction: Cthulhu
Cost: 2
Your Serpent characters gain (T).
Ia! Ia! Father, grant us the power to strike fear into our enemies...
Illustrator: Jason Caffoe
Set: MoE
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Specimen Room

Specimen Room

Type: Support Faction: Shub-Niggurath
Cost: 2
Your Mi-Go Characters get +1 skill for each face down card attached to Specimen Room.
Action: Exhaust Specimen Room to take a character card in your opponent's discard pile and attach it face down to this card as a blank Attachment support card.
Illustrator: Alex Aparin
Set: MoE
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Tattoo Artist

Tattoo Artist

Type: Character Faction: Syndicate
Cost: 2
Icon: (A)(A) Skill: 2
Sorcerer. Artist.
Response: After Tattoo Artist is committed to a story, choose a character. That character gets +2 or -2 skill until the end of the phase.
Illustrator: Echo Chernik
Set: MoE
Tattoo Parlor

Tattoo Parlor

Type: Support Faction: Neutral
Cost: 2
Your Cultist characters gain (A).
Illustrator: Carlo Bocchio
Set: MoE
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The Painted Corpse

The Painted Corpse

Type: Conspiracy Faction: Neutral
Cost: 0
Symbols: (T)(C)(A)(A)(I)
Each of your characters committed to this story gains (A).
Illustrator: Ryan Barger
Set: MoE
Trophy Room

Trophy Room

Type: Support Faction: Syndicate
Cost: 2
Action: Exhaust Trophy Room to attach a character card from a player's discard pile face down to it as a blank Attachment support card.
Action: Exhaust Trophy Room to have a character get +1 Skill for each face down card attached to it.
Illustrator: Hector Ortiz
Set: MoE
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Veronica Frost

Veronica Frost

Elegant but Deadly
Type: Character Faction: Syndicate
Cost: 2
Icon: (C)(C) Skill: 2
Response: After Veronica Frost is committed to a story, choose another one of your characters committed to that story. That character is immune to triggered effects until the end of the phase.
Illustrator: Chris Griffin
Set: MoE
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