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Corpse Lake
, Jan 19 2012 09:52 PM | Last updated Jun 21 2014 05:50 AM
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Raiding the Reach (TGM) trigger this effect?
Since no one has mentioned it yet, Iron Fleet Raiders (MotA) does not trigger this card.
Iron Fleet Raiders (MotA) not trigger
Corpse Lake (TBC)?
Think of it like this: If someone used Seasick (KotS) to cancel the Iron Fleet Raider's ability, then would you un-discard the card? No, because it was not part of the Triggered Effect. It was a Cost of the Triggered Effect.
Corpse Lake ignores the strength part, but responds for the discardign part.
By following your logic, the The Inn of the Kneeling Man (FtC) wouldn't be able to respond if you had knelt Maester Wendamyr to save a character for example. More on, wouldnt be able to respond for declaring challanges with a 2-strength character. When triggering an effect you should always look the whole thing together.
"(3.2) Paying a Cost vs. Triggering an Effect
Certain cards refer to 'kneel 1 influence to...' or 'pay 1 influence to...' In both cases, this is considered paying a cost.
Paying a cost with influence is not considered triggering an effect."
I guess you could try and argue that influence cost is the only cost that doesn't count as triggering an effect, but I doubt anyone would listen to that argument. The FAQ is essentially saying, "A cost is not a triggered effect."
Passive ability = Static ability
Triggered ability = Passive ability
Activated ability = Triggered ability
AGoT kinda lowers the level a notch from what MTG calls the different abilities. Got me incredibly confused at first in how some abilities work