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Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 2x Summons (Core Set) 1x The Long Plan (Taking the Black) 1x Retaliation (Watchers on the Wall)
Plot: 1x Valar Morghulis (There Is My Claim) 1x City of Secrets (At the Gates) 1x At the Gates (At the Gates) 1x A City Besieged (City of Secrets) 1x Manning the City Walls (Pit of Snakes) 1x City of Spiders (Beneath the Red Keep) 1x City of Wealth (Long May He Reign)
Character: 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 1x Obara Sand (Core Set) 3x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 3x Starfall Cavalry (Called to Arms) 2x Ricasso (All Men Are Fools) 1x Dornish Spy (The Brotherhood Without Banners) 1x The Bastard of Godsgrace (House of Thorns) 3x Darkstar (Sands of Dorne) 1x Quentyn Martell (Sands of Dorne) 3x Host of the Boneway (Someone Always Tells) 1x Ser Gerris Drinkwater (The Shadow City) 1x Ser Archibald Yronwood (Streets of King's Landing)
Attachment: 1x Dawn (Core Set) 3x Imprisoned (True Steel) 1x Venomous Blade (Called to Arms) 1x Hotah’s Axe (Sands of Dorne) 1x The Mountain’s Skull (The Blackwater) 1x Poisoned Dagger (Long May He Reign)
Event: 1x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 2x Put to the Torch (Core Set) 1x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 1x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x The Prince’s Plan (All Men Are Fools) 2x To The Spears! (Sands of Dorne) 1x Choosing the Spear (Dragons of the East)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 3x Dornish Fiefdom (The Fall of Astapor) 2x The Water Gardens (The Archmaester's Key) 2x Dorne (Sands of Dorne) 1x Starfall (Sands of Dorne) 3x Summer Sea Port (Streets of King's Landing) 2x River Gate (At the Gates) 1x Kingsgrave (Fury of the Storm) 1x Meadowlark (Beneath the Red Keep)
, Mar 15 2020 02:49 AM
Last updated Mar 15 2020 02:49 AM
0 comments, 2530 views
Eddard, Catelyn, Edmure, and Robb are work as a team to gain lots of power.
Agenda: 1x Sea of Blood (Kings of the Isles)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground) 1x A Time For Wolves (Wolves of the North) 1x Early Frost (Lions of Casterly Rock) 1x False Spring (Sands of Dorne)
Character: 3x Grey Wind (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 3x Robb Stark (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 3x Ser Edmure Tully (For Family Honor) 3x Jeyne Westerling (Lions of Casterly Rock) 3x Hoster Tully (All Men Are Fools) 3x Maester Vyman (Kings of the Isles)
Attachment: 3x The Wolf King (There Is My Claim) 3x Summer (Watchers on the Wall) 3x Shaggydog (Music of Dragons)
Event: 3x For the North! (Core Set) 3x As Hard as Winter (Wolves of the North) 3x Taste For Flesh (Sands of Dorne)
Location: 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Castle (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Riverrun (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 2x Great Hall (Guarding the Realm)
, Apr 26 2017 10:32 PM
Last updated Jun 07 2019 11:02 PM
1 comments, 6215 views
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Building Orders (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Naval Superiority (Core Set) 1x The Long Plan (Taking the Black) 1x Valar Morghulis (There Is My Claim) 1x Trade Routes (House of Thorns) 1x At Prince Doran’s Behest (Sands of Dorne) 1x Forced March (Sands of Dorne)
Character: 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 3x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 2x Bastard Daughter (Taking the Black) 3x Nymeria Sand (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Starfall Cavalry (Called to Arms) 2x Ricasso (All Men Are Fools) 2x The Red Viper (Oberyn's Revenge) 2x The Bastard of Godsgrace (House of Thorns) 2x Darkstar (Kingsmoot) 2x Doran Martell (Sands of Dorne) 2x Obara Sand (Sands of Dorne) 3x Obella Sand (Sands of Dorne)
Attachment: 2x Bodyguard (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 1x Dawn (Core Set) 2x Attainted (The King's Peace) 2x Condemned (No Middle Ground) 1x Imprisoned (True Steel) 1x Locked Away (The Brotherhood Without Banners) 2x Beguiled (Sands of Dorne)
Event: 1x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 1x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 1x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 1x In Doran’s Name (The Road to Winterfell) 2x His Viper Eyes (Wolves of the North) 2x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros) 2x Burning on the Sand (There Is My Claim) 2x Secret Schemes (The Red Wedding) 1x Dornish Revenge (Oberyn's Revenge) 1x The Iron Bank Will Have Its Due (Oberyn's Revenge) 1x To The Spears! (Sands of Dorne)
Location: 1x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 2x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 2x Shadowblack Lane (The Road to Winterfell) 1x The Prince’s Pass (Ghosts of Harrenhal) 1x Dornish Fiefdom (The Fall of Astapor) 1x Dorne (Sands of Dorne) 1x Starfall (Sands of Dorne)
, May 08 2018 02:04 PM
Last updated May 08 2018 02:04 PM
0 comments, 3833 views
Agenda: 1x “The Rains of Castamere†(Lions of Casterly Rock)
Plot: 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Power Behind the Throne (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set) 1x The Long Plan (Taking the Black) 1x Political Disaster (The Road to Winterfell) 1x The First Snow of Winter (No Middle Ground) 1x Fallen from Favor (Wolves of the North) 1x Close Call (True Steel) 1x Varys’s Riddle (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Duel (The Fall of Astapor)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Varys (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x Bastard Daughter (Taking the Black) 3x Nymeria Sand (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Pyromancers (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 2x Jaqen H’ghar (There Is My Claim) 2x Southron Messenger (Watchers on the Wall) 2x Orphan of the Greenblood (Guarding the Realm) 2x Dornish Spy (The Brotherhood Without Banners) 1x The Bastard of Godsgrace (House of Thorns) 2x Faceless Man (House of Thorns) 1x Darkstar (Kingsmoot)
Attachment: 2x Attainted (The King's Peace) 2x Venomous Blade (Called to Arms)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x His Viper Eyes (Wolves of the North) 2x “The Last of the Giants†(Watchers on the Wall) 2x Secret Schemes (The Red Wedding) 3x The Iron Bank Will Have Its Due (Oberyn's Revenge)
Location: 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 3x Dornish Fiefdom (The Fall of Astapor) 2x Flea Bottom (Oberyn's Revenge)
, Feb 09 2018 11:30 AM
Last updated Feb 09 2018 11:30 AM
0 comments, 4141 views
1-1 in Melee, 6-1 in Joust... Bastard Theme. Only loss in Joust was to a NW/Lanni/GJ, Pillage and Recruit deck which Valared in round two, wiping out a board which was 7 strong including a fully bestowed Black Walder (which I guess I was asking for.)
Agenda: 1x The Lord of the Crossing (The King's Peace)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Trading with the Pentoshi (The Road to Winterfell) 1x A Song of Summer (Wolves of the North) 1x Varys’s Riddle (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Late Summer Feast (All Men Are Fools)
Character: 3x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Obara Sand (Core Set) 3x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Bastard Daughter (Taking the Black) 3x Nymeria Sand (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Tyene Sand (True Steel) 3x Elia Sand (There Is My Claim) 2x Black Walder (Guarding the Realm) 3x Frey Lordling (The Fall of Astapor) 2x Ellaria Sand (The Red Wedding) 2x Walder Frey (The Red Wedding) 3x Frey Bastard (The Red Wedding)
Attachment: 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
Event: 3x Superior Claim (Core Set) 3x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros) 2x Relentless Assault (Tyrion's Chain) 1x Frey Hospitality (The Red Wedding)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 3x Ocean Road (Lions of Casterly Rock) 3x Dornish Fiefdom (The Fall of Astapor) 2x The Twins (The Fall of Astapor)
, Aug 21 2017 01:13 AM
Last updated Aug 21 2017 01:13 AM
0 comments, 3978 views
2x Core Set 1x Wolves of the North 1x True Steel 1x For Family Honor
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x A Time For Wolves (Wolves of the North) 1x Close Call (True Steel)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Arya Stark (Core Set) 2x Bran Stark (Core Set) 1x Grey Wind (Core Set) 2x Robb Stark (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 2x Summer (Core Set) 2x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 1x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 2x Jon Snow (Wolves of the North) 2x Jory Cassel (Wolves of the North) 3x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 2x Septa Mordane (True Steel) 2x Ser Edmure Tully (For Family Honor)
Attachment: 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Frozen Solid (Wolves of the North) 2x Ward (True Steel)
Event: 2x For the North! (Core Set) 2x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 2x Winter Is Coming (Core Set) 2x As Hard as Winter (Wolves of the North) 2x Arya’s Gift (Wolves of the North)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 1x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 2x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set)
, Apr 28 2017 01:52 PM
Last updated Jun 24 2017 03:49 PM
1 comments, 4712 views
Casual Combo
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Arya Stark (Core Set) 1x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Catelyn Stark (Core Set) 2x Eddard Stark (Core Set) 2x Grey Wind (Core Set) 2x Robb Stark (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 1x Summer (Core Set) 2x Direwolf Pup (Core Set) 2x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 2x Vanguard of the North (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Kennel Master (The Road to Winterfell)
Attachment: 1x Little Bird (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Ice (Core Set)
Event: 1x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 1x Put to the Torch (Core Set) 2x For the North! (Core Set) 1x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 2x Winter Is Coming (Core Set)
Location: 1x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 1x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 2x The Wolfswood (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Castle (The Road to Winterfell)
, Feb 16 2017 02:10 PM
Last updated Feb 16 2017 02:10 PM
0 comments, 2438 views
Plot: 2x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Naval Superiority (Core Set) 1x Taxation (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set) 1x Summer Harvest (Called to Arms)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 3x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Robb Stark (Core Set) 1x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 1x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 1x Winterfell Kennel Master (The Road to Winterfell) 1x Hodor (No Middle Ground) 3x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 1x Arya Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 1x Bear Island Loyalist (Wolves of the North) 1x Shaggydog (Wolves of the North) 3x Rickon Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Ser Edmure Tully (For Family Honor)
Attachment: 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x The Wolf King (There Is My Claim)
Event: 1x Superior Claim (Core Set) 1x Winter Is Coming (Core Set) 3x As Hard as Winter (Wolves of the North) 1x Arya’s Gift (Wolves of the North)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 2x Riverrun (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Bear Island (For Family Honor) 1x The God’s Eye (For Family Honor)
, Jan 25 2017 12:58 PM
Last updated Jan 25 2017 12:58 PM
0 comments, 2199 views
Shagga Ned Experimental
Plot: 1x Building Orders (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Rebuilding (Core Set) 1x Here to Serve (Taking the Black) 1x Close Call (True Steel) 1x Varys’s Riddle (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Valar Morghulis (There Is My Claim)
Character: 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set) 2x Benjen Stark (Core Set) 2x Ghost (Core Set) 2x Maester Aemon (Core Set) 2x Ranging Party (Core Set) 1x Steward at the Wall (Core Set) 2x Bastard Daughter (Taking the Black) 2x Nymeria Sand (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Halder (No Middle Ground) 1x Stonesnake (Wolves of the North) 2x Dolorous Edd (Called to Arms) 2x Thoren Smallwood (For Family Honor) 2x Elia Sand (There Is My Claim)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 3x Condemned (No Middle Ground) 3x Craven (Called to Arms)
Event: 1x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 3x His Viper Eyes (Wolves of the North) 2x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros) 2x Burning on the Sand (There Is My Claim)
Location: 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 2x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 3x Ocean Road (Lions of Casterly Rock) 2x The Haunted Forest (There Is My Claim)
, Dec 29 2016 05:10 PM
Last updated Jan 16 2017 06:58 PM
0 comments, 2135 views
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Rebuilding (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set) 1x Varys’s Riddle (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Gossip and Lies (Lions of Casterly Rock)
Character: 2x Varys (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 1x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 2x Doran Martell (Core Set) 1x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 3x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 1x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set) 2x Bastard Daughter (Taking the Black) 2x Nymeria Sand (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Syrio Forel (The Road to Winterfell) 1x Tyene Sand (True Steel) 1x Starfall Cavalry (Called to Arms) 2x Spearmaiden (For Family Honor) 2x Elia Sand (There Is My Claim)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Condemned (No Middle Ground) 2x Imprisoned (True Steel)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 1x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 3x His Viper Eyes (Wolves of the North) 2x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 2x Tourney Grounds (Wolves of the North)
, Dec 30 2016 05:48 PM
Last updated Dec 30 2016 05:48 PM
0 comments, 2090 views
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Motley (Wolves of the North) 2x Imprisoned (True Steel)
Event: 2x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 3x Seen In Flames (Core Set) 2x Even-Handed Justice (Wolves of the North) 3x His Viper Eyes (Wolves of the North) 2x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros) 2x Burning on the Sand (There Is My Claim)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Dragonstone Port (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 2x Tourney Grounds (Wolves of the North)
, Dec 29 2016 06:47 PM
Last updated Dec 29 2016 06:47 PM
0 comments, 2402 views
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Rains of Autumn (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Winter Festival (Called to Arms)
Character: 1x Bran Stark (Core Set) 1x Grey Wind (Core Set) 3x Direwolf Pup (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 1x Arya Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 2x Bear Island Loyalist (Wolves of the North) 2x Sansa Stark (Wolves of the North) 1x Shaggydog (Wolves of the North) 1x Rickon Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Robb Stark (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Donella Hornwood (Called to Arms) 2x Ser Edmure Tully (For Family Honor) 1x Jeyne Westerling (Lions of Casterly Rock)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 3x Ice (Core Set) 1x Needle (Wolves of the North) 1x Ward (True Steel)
Event: 2x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 2x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 2x Winter Is Coming (Core Set) 2x Arya’s Gift (Wolves of the North) 2x Nightmares (Calm Over Westeros)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 1x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 2x Winterfell (Wolves of the North) 2x Riverrun (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 2x Bear Island (For Family Honor)
, Nov 25 2016 10:20 AM
Last updated Nov 25 2016 10:20 AM
0 comments, 2771 views
You wish you were there ... Your brother is fighting a war to avenge your father, who was killed by the king. You mother is accompanying him and both your sisters are far away. In the mean time, you must run the castle like true lord, and keep an eye on you little brother. But in your mind you are somewhere else. Sometimes you're with Robb, fighting and riding a fierce warhorse. But sometimes you and wolves are running around in the could forest, howling to the moon and having the time of your life. If only you could still run around ... When you breathe the could air you remember the words your father used to say, before they killed him: "Winter is coming ..."
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x Marching Orders (Core Set) 1x Reinforcements (Core Set) 2x A Time For Wolves (Wolves of the North) 1x Fallen from Favor (Wolves of the North) 1x Ranger’s Cache (Wolves of the North) 1x Winter Festival (Called to Arms)
Character: 3x Bran Stark (Core Set) 1x Grey Wind (Core Set) 3x Robb Stark (Core Set) 2x Summer (Core Set) 2x Direwolf Pup (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Maester Luwin (Taking the Black) 1x King Robb’s Host (Wolves of the North) 2x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Jon Snow (Wolves of the North) 3x Wolves of the North (Wolves of the North) 1x Arya Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Jory Cassel (Wolves of the North) 1x Old Nan (Wolves of the North) 2x Sansa Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Shaggydog (Wolves of the North) 1x Rickon Stark (Wolves of the North) 1x Septa Mordane (True Steel)
Attachment: 3x Needle (Wolves of the North)
Event: 2x For the North! (Core Set) 2x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 1x Winter Is Coming (Core Set) 1x Wolf Dreams (The King's Peace) 2x As Hard as Winter (Wolves of the North) 2x The Pack Survives (Wolves of the North)
Location: 1x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 2x The Wolfswood (Core Set) 2x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Castle (The Road to Winterfell) 3x Winterfell (Wolves of the North) 2x Tourney Grounds (Wolves of the North) 2x Bear Island (For Family Honor) 1x The God’s Eye (For Family Honor)
, Nov 12 2016 11:51 PM
Last updated Nov 12 2016 11:54 PM
0 comments, 2864 views
House Stark/Tyrell Banner deck based around the Tully/Tyrell Knight theme. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Rose (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Trading with the Pentoshi (The Road to Winterfell) 1x A Tourney for the King (The King's Peace) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground) 1x Close Call (True Steel)
Character: 3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 3x Catelyn Stark (Core Set) 2x Robb Stark (Core Set) 1x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 3x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 2x Jory Cassel (Wolves of the North) 2x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 3x Ser Edmure Tully (For Family Honor)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 3x Ice (Core Set)
Event: 3x Lady Sansa’s Rose (The Road to Winterfell) 2x A Gift of Arbor Red (True Steel)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 3x Winterfell (Wolves of the North) 2x Riverrun (Across the Seven Kingdoms)
, Oct 24 2016 08:43 AM
Last updated Oct 24 2016 08:46 AM
0 comments, 2276 views
Aggro Experimental
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Trading with the Pentoshi (The Road to Winterfell) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground) 1x Varys’s Riddle (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Winter Festival (Called to Arms)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 3x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 1x King Robb’s Host (Wolves of the North) 2x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 2x Jory Cassel (Wolves of the North) 3x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 1x Osha (Wolves of the North) 2x House Tully Septon (Wolves of the North) 2x Robb Stark (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Donella Hornwood (Called to Arms) 2x Ser Edmure Tully (For Family Honor)
Attachment: 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Ice (Core Set) 1x Lady (Taking the Black) 1x Needle (Wolves of the North) 1x Ward (True Steel)
Event: 1x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 2x For the North! (Core Set) 2x Winter Is Coming (Core Set)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 1x Winterfell (Wolves of the North) 1x Winterfell Crypt (Calm Over Westeros) 2x Riverrun (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Bear Island (For Family Honor)
, Oct 13 2016 01:50 PM
Last updated Oct 13 2016 01:50 PM
0 comments, 2947 views
Plot: 1x Building Orders (Core Set) 1x Fortified Position (Core Set) 2x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x A Time For Wolves (Wolves of the North) 1x Close Call (True Steel)
Character: 2x Arya Stark (Core Set) 3x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Grey Wind (Core Set) 2x Summer (Core Set) 3x Direwolf Pup (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 1x Maester Luwin (Taking the Black) 1x Syrio Forel (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Ser Rodrik Cassel (The King's Peace) 3x Hodor (No Middle Ground) 1x Osha (Wolves of the North) 1x Sansa Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Shaggydog (Wolves of the North) 3x Rickon Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Robb Stark (Across the Seven Kingdoms) 1x Donella Hornwood (Called to Arms)
Event: 3x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 2x For the North! (Core Set) 3x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 3x Winter Is Coming (Core Set) 3x Arya’s Gift (Wolves of the North)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 1x Tourney Grounds (Wolves of the North)
, Oct 02 2016 11:59 PM
Last updated Oct 03 2016 06:57 PM
1 comments, 2296 views
Trying to incorporate King Robb for military domination/kill, and direwolfs for killing on intrigue. Could be greedy but the roleplaying is at least off the charts.
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground) 1x A Time For Wolves (Wolves of the North) 1x The Long Winter (Wolves of the North)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Arya Stark (Core Set) 2x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Catelyn Stark (Core Set) 1x Grey Wind (Core Set) 1x Summer (Core Set) 2x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 1x Hodor (No Middle Ground) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 1x Jory Cassel (Wolves of the North) 2x Sansa Stark (Wolves of the North) 1x Shaggydog (Wolves of the North) 2x Rickon Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x House Maester (Wolves of the North) 1x Greatjon’s Vanguard (Calm Over Westeros) 1x Septa Mordane (True Steel) 3x Robb Stark (Across the Seven Kingdoms)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Ice (Core Set) 1x Ward (True Steel)
Event: 2x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 2x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 2x Arya’s Gift (Wolves of the North)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 3x Winterfell (Wolves of the North)
, Sep 21 2016 09:15 AM
Last updated Sep 21 2016 09:15 AM
0 comments, 2399 views
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Trading with the Pentoshi (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Summer Harvest (Called to Arms)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Bran Stark (Core Set) 3x Robb Stark (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Unsworn Apprentice (The Road to Winterfell) 3x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 2x Jon Snow (Wolves of the North) 3x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 2x Dolorous Edd (Called to Arms)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Lady (Taking the Black) 3x Craven (Called to Arms)
Event: 2x Arya’s Gift (Wolves of the North)
Location: 3x The Wall (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 3x Winterfell (Wolves of the North) 2x The Shadow Tower (Wolves of the North) 3x Riverrun (Across the Seven Kingdoms)
, Aug 29 2016 08:06 PM
Last updated Sep 01 2016 03:48 PM
1 comments, 2342 views
This is my first attempt at creating my own deck, with that said I would welcome any constructive comments to help me improve it or things to look more closely at.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Rose (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Jousting Contest (Core Set) 1x Rebuilding (Core Set) 1x The Long Plan (Taking the Black) 1x A Tourney for the King (The King's Peace)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 3x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 3x Arbor Knight (Taking the Black) 2x Ser Hobber Redwyne (The King's Peace) 2x Ser Horas Redwyne (No Middle Ground) 3x Knights of the Sun (Calm Over Westeros)
Attachment: 2x Dawn (Core Set) 3x Mare in Heat (The King's Peace)
Event: 3x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set) 3x Lady Sansa’s Rose (The Road to Winterfell) 2x His Viper Eyes (Wolves of the North) 3x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros)
Location: 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 2x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Jul 06 2016 12:06 AM
Last updated Jul 17 2016 10:07 PM
4 comments, 4168 views
Plot: 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 2x Rebuilding (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set) 1x The Long Plan (Taking the Black) 1x Close Call (True Steel)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 3x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 3x Bastard Daughter (Taking the Black) 3x Nymeria Sand (The Road to Winterfell) 3x Wildling Scout (No Middle Ground) 3x Quentyn Martell (Wolves of the North)
Attachment: 3x Dawn (Core Set) 3x Green Dreams (Wolves of the North)
Event: 3x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 1x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 2x In Doran’s Name (The Road to Winterfell) 3x His Viper Eyes (Wolves of the North) 3x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 3x Shadowblack Lane (The Road to Winterfell)
, Jun 29 2016 04:08 PM
Last updated Jun 29 2016 04:08 PM
0 comments, 2182 views
Plot: 1x A Storm of Swords (Core Set) 1x Marching Orders (Core Set) 1x Rebuilding (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Trading with the Pentoshi (The Road to Winterfell) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground) 1x A Time For Wolves (Wolves of the North)
Character: 2x Bran Stark (Core Set) 3x Grey Wind (Core Set) 3x Robb Stark (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 3x Summer (Core Set) 3x Direwolf Pup (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Kennel Master (The Road to Winterfell) 2x King Robb’s Host (Wolves of the North) 3x Wolves of the North (Wolves of the North) 3x Shaggydog (Wolves of the North) 2x Rickon Stark (Wolves of the North)
Attachment: 3x Little Bird (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 3x Ice (Core Set) 2x Lady (Taking the Black)
Event: 3x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 3x Wolf Dreams (The King's Peace)
Location: 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Castle (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Winterfell (Wolves of the North)
, Jun 23 2016 06:34 PM
Last updated Jun 23 2016 06:34 PM
1 comments, 3093 views
Aggro Casual Experimental
power through the union of two powerful houses! Family,Duty, Honor
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 2x Summons (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set) 1x Trading with the Pentoshi (The Road to Winterfell) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground)
Character: 3x Bran Stark (Core Set) 3x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 3x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 3x Hodor (No Middle Ground) 3x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 3x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 3x House Tully Septon (Wolves of the North)
Attachment: 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 3x Ice (Core Set) 3x Needle (Wolves of the North) 2x Ward (True Steel)
Event: 2x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 2x Winter Is Coming (Core Set)
Location: 1x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 3x Winterfell (Wolves of the North)
, Jun 10 2016 06:21 PM
Last updated Jun 17 2016 10:24 PM
0 comments, 2243 views
Ned Aggro Experimental Theme
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Building Orders (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set) 1x The Long Plan (Taking the Black)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Attainted (The King's Peace) 3x Condemned (No Middle Ground) 3x Imprisoned (True Steel)
Event: 2x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set) 2x Vengeance for Elia (Calm Over Westeros)
Location: 3x The Wall (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set) 1x The Boneway (The King's Peace) 1x The Shadow Tower (Wolves of the North)
, Jun 11 2016 10:41 PM
Last updated Jun 11 2016 10:41 PM
0 comments, 1905 views
Experimental Fun
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Trading with the Pentoshi (The Road to Winterfell) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground) 1x The Long Winter (Wolves of the North)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Bran Stark (Core Set) 3x Catelyn Stark (Core Set) 2x Grey Wind (Core Set) 3x Robb Stark (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 2x Summer (Core Set) 3x Direwolf Pup (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Kennel Master (The Road to Winterfell) 1x Hodor (No Middle Ground) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Jon Snow (Wolves of the North) 3x Wolves of the North (Wolves of the North) 2x Osha (Wolves of the North) 1x Shaggydog (Wolves of the North)
Attachment: 2x Ice (Core Set) 2x Lady (Taking the Black) 1x Nymeria (Wolves of the North)
Event: 3x Like Warm Rain (Core Set) 2x Winter Is Coming (Core Set) 3x Wolf Dreams (The King's Peace) 3x The Pack Survives (Wolves of the North)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x The Wolfswood (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set)
, May 26 2016 11:26 PM
Last updated Jun 03 2016 09:53 PM
2 comments, 3573 views
Ned Combo Fun