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A Game of Thrones 2nd Edition Decks

  Faction Deck  

Lannister Crossing [Version: 1] Melee

I live in Brazil and here in my city we have a melee tournament every month and I won my first tournament with this deck.
I was trying to find a good Lannister deck... althought the Lions are very good in joust, I don't think they are that great in melee.
There were 12 players and I won three of the four rounds. On the last round I finished in second. No match ended by time.
The cards allowed were core set and the first three chapters of the first pack. Now, I'll have to modify the deck with cards of the last three chapters of the first pack and the Wolves of The North cards.
I would really appreciate any suggestions. I know there are few players that like melee tournaments.
Ahdora , Oct 26 2016 11:43 PM
Last updated Oct 26 2016 11:43 PM
0 comments, 3000 views
Tournament Quality

Lannister First Attempt [Version: 1] Melee

This deck is meant to abuse stong characters with hear me roar and never bet against family to win intrigue challenges then use locqtion effects to gain advantage.
StuperMario , Jun 06 2016 04:42 AM
Last updated Jun 06 2016 04:42 AM
0 comments, 1915 views
Casual Fun

Lannister [2 cores 4 decks] [Version: 1] Melee

Building 4 melee decks out of only 2 cores. This is the Lannister/Martell one. Intrigue-focused and somewhat aggressive, with more economy than the others.
Roxolan , Nov 09 2015 09:07 AM
Last updated Nov 09 2015 09:07 AM
0 comments, 1490 views