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Bend The Knee! - Best Core Deck?
Submitted by
, Sep 23 2015 06:31 PM | Last updated Nov 22 2015 04:47 AM
- MioCid, suf, kuvnynto and 7 others like this
The video for this deck can be found here:
Almost identical to my Baratheon Fealty list.
-1 Ser Davos
+1 King's Hunting Party
-1 Ours is the Fury
+ Lightbringer
-1 Heads on Spikes
+1 Supporting The Faith
I think that's right. Pretty sure I'm running a 3rd Milk of the Poppy but can't remember what gives to include it.
I'm not a fan of the chamber of the painted table honestly. I think committing to it this hard is a mistake. I haven't watched the linked podcast but from my own testing I've found it to be unnecessary. I think you captured it yourself in the description when you said "Stall, Kneel, Win" I don't think this deck really cares how long the game goes as long as it can control everything. In most situations once you have Mel and either Bob or Stannis out it doesn't seem to matter if you close on dominance that turn or have to wait until the next challenges phase. There are exceptions to this of course but personally I would rather play another bodyguard or some Tears of Lys or even a second copy of light bringer.
I've found that the Painted Table is a crucial card for when things god poorly. I totally agree that it is much less necessary when you are controlling the board. However, sometimes that doesn't happen, and the Painted Table allows you to hold on longer while you find your critical pieces.
That said, I think any changes suggested are more cosmetic or personal taste really. I don't think anybody can reasonably claim the deck is flawed in any way.
I think for me Heads on spikes is a good closer more than anything else. Play it when you're two or less power away and hope for a character, worst case scenario your opponent lost a card from their hand on the crucial last turn. How to people feel about tears? I think its useful for weathering the storm of heavy aggro decks personally.
You have no need for "The Hands Judgement" in your deck?
How do you cope not being able to nullify key events?
Made the comment yesterday but didn't go through. I think Mel is the main cog that drives this deck so i would drop HoS for Summons. And if you have her, go get Bob or Stannis or a Rhollor character.
I agree, Summons seems 100% necessary.
You have 16 neutral cards in your deck!
I guess it's not the strongest according to the 2015 Worlds results pal?