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Defence from North to South
Submitted by
, Aug 16 2015 02:30 AM | Last updated Aug 16 2015 09:45 PM
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Jaime Combo Control
This is my take on a NW defence deck that utilizes martell events as well as other goodness to deny unopposed.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
High initiative plots lets you go 2nd most of the time. The Wall is key to the deck so hopefully it gets drawn. The deck doesn't bother with high cost character but instead it's The Wall that is the high cost main player in the deck. Just oppose any challenge and use Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken and Confiscation to plug any holes in your defence. Varys is mainly there to prevent stealth intrigue but the reset could also be useful to stop rushes.
The key cards in the deck are mainly non-loyal so the deck could probably be played out of Martell with NW banner as well but I felt that NW had the better card draw in Messenger Raven that lets you draw without bothering with challenges which can be unreliable since you are mainly focused on opposing.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0
You miss some nice and safe opening plot. I recommend Fortified position. 5G, blanking and immunity to Naval Superiority - good combination.
If not this then at least Calm Over Westeros.
It is so cool that you like your own deck
The opening plot is usually Sneak Attack which is also good gold and safe from Naval.