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Lions in the North
Submitted by
, Dec 15 2015 06:09 PM | Last updated Dec 28 2015 12:04 PM
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Lannister/Stark control type. My current main.
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Total Cards: 0
The idea was to add Stark to Lannister to give greater support to Jaimie. Highlights are 3 copies of Bran and three copies of Treachery for strong counter suite. Plenty of removal with Put to the sword, tears and Ttidfl. Deck is strong on intrigue, has some good draw. Tywin, Eddard and Jaimie for some renown, and Sansa to help with winning. On plot side Game of Thrones as an possible opener vs aggro, A noble cause and Banners to help with buying big guys, confiscation is for the Milk, marched is always a good one, and accusations can help by kneeling an important character. Wildfire to clear all bears, and it works well with Joffrey. Will need to find place for Hound and possibly Wheelhouse. With incredible amount of lords and ladies I would like to include Seal, but I see no place for it.
Update: Added Taking the Black Dropped Joffrey/wildfire combo. Added two copies of The Hound as he is great. Added calm over westeros, together with a game of thrones it gives more breathing space and time to setup. Dropped one arya and one burned man to add two copies of seal of the hand. -1 Cersei + 1 Eddard, Cersei is a nice one to have, but not crucial, Ned is crucial when meeting Bara. Also dropped Varys for an extra Snasa, and the Tickler, both playing Varys and defending him cost to many resources, to really get much from him.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0
Hound comes in as soon as I can get an english copy of Taking the Black. WIll prolly drop Joffrey, and along with him Wildfire, and possibly stick Calming Westeros in. The main problem is what to cut to fit Seal of the Hand in.
I'm not 100% on having 0 copies of varys and wildfire that seems like a huge risk to be taking. I'm not a fan of wildfire but I would try to fit in 2 copies of varys. I'd be tempted to drop 1widows wail and 1 Jamie for 2 varys.
2 copies of Joffrey but no Hound?!? O.o
Drop Joffrey and unleash Clegane!
Hound comes in as soon as I can get an english copy of Taking the Black. WIll prolly drop Joffrey, and along with him Wildfire, and possibly stick Calming Westeros in. The main problem is what to cut to fit Seal of the Hand in.