Deck: Stark says no, Manchester regional winner, 18/6/16
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Stark says no, Manchester regional winner, 18/6/16
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, Jun 20 2016 12:17 PM | Last updated Jun 20 2016 10:40 PM
Cthalin and teekskor like this
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Jaime Tournament Quality
Deck based around Winterfell/Cat/Bran preventing opponents' actions, and Eddard/Robb/Blackfish for rapidly gaining power on characters.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
Deck went 4-1 in the swiss, despite my best attempts at playing terribly bad. Managed to battle through to the end of the cut, despite Trading being hit by Naval Superiority twice.
Deck can suffer from early First Snow of Winter as a lot of resource goes into getting Winterfell on the table.
Would love to get rid of Nightmares completely to make opponents Hand's Judgement a dead draw, but the card is far to flexible and allows to to stall for a turn in too many situations for it to be cut. Considering adding a third copy.
Deck should also include one or more Winter trait plots to get around opponent's (or own) Winterfell.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0
I ran almost the exact same list at Nationals except -1 Hodor, -1 Arya, -1 Rattleshirt's Raiders and +1 Syrio, +1 Little Bird. It worked really well, I just played poorly and against more practiced and skilled players. The plot deck on this is rock solid. Oddly, Building Orders was used to find Milk of the Poppy three games in a row, and came through each time.
I ran almost the exact same list at Nationals except -1 Hodor, -1 Arya, -1 Rattleshirt's Raiders and +1 Syrio, +1 Little Bird. It worked really well, I just played poorly and against more practiced and skilled players. The plot deck on this is rock solid. Oddly, Building Orders was used to find Milk of the Poppy three games in a row, and came through each time.
If you are worried about Winter plot traits is there a way to incorporate Old Nan into the deck?