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Swiss rounds were pretty easy.I made it to top 8 with a 5-1
First round was vs Crane that it is one of my worst matchups but i had a great dynasty breakdown so i snowballed and broke stronghold in turn 3
Second round was vs a very good scorpion player that made me pretty anxious,i made a stronghold break at turn 6 never been under 5 honor the whole game
Third round I lost vs a lion(7th turn) that had a magistrate that pretty much made me something less than nothing xD and i had no rout,both of us hit eachothers stronghold twice.
Fourth round was a scorpion match up. It was scorpion dropbear spending no fate at any character he got so i won by turn 3
Fifth round was vs a phoenix that got me pretty low on honor but i had a stronghold break at turn 4 after getting him choked by card and field pressence.
Sixth round was a hard but fast game(21 min game) vs a scorpion we both had assasinations being played in turn 1 and 2 getting us to 3-4 honor each round we bid low so we had dynasty control,mines and a good court games won the field pressence so i got a stronghold break in round 5.
Top 8
Top 8 match was the most difficult game of the tournament for me.Crab vs Crab.I broke 4 provinces i had never bid 1 in the whole game but still had some honor left. I broke 3 provinces with iron mines on them so i could get the field pressence and pressured his card draw. he had early keeper iniciates so i focused on getting the earth ring in both offence and defence.I broke his stronghold at turn 10 with a force of 27.
Top 4
I played vs a very good player from our country the only one that had a 6-0 on swiss.I had a good dynasty/conflict but i tried to rush it down to his stronghold so i made a few missplays in the proccess that made me lose some key units early. I had no other choice but get a high bid to get me saved. Lost by dishoning eventually.
Finished top crab
, Dec 18 2017 08:18 PM
Last updated Dec 18 2017 08:18 PM 0 comments, 3622 views