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ArchangelType: ICE: Code Gate - Tracer Cost: 4 Faction: Corp NBN Faction Cost: 4 If Archangel is accessed from R&D, the Runner must reveal it. If you pay 3 [Credit] when the Runner accesses Archangel, he or she immediately encounters it. Ignore this ability if Archangel is accessed from Archives. [Subroutine] Trace(6)- If successful, add 1 installed Runner card to his or her grip. Strength: 6 Set: Data and Destiny Number: 13 Quantity: 1 Illustrator: Liiga Smilshkalne |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Trace, Trace, Trace |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
4 rez, 6 strength code gate tracer with trace 6? You have my attention. The best targets would be Daemons (Djinn/Leprechaun/Scheherazade/Progenitor), Dinosaurus, Kati, Off-Campus Apartment, Personal Workshop, Film Critic, The Supplier, ... basically anything that acts as a host for something or has to be powered up. It also circumvents trash prevention effects like Sacrificial Construct or Fall Guy. Or, if the runner has a full rig, take away the Console so he's out of Memory. As if all of that wouldn't be good enough, the runner potentially doesn't see this coming, as Archangel does not need to be installed to have a single, devastating effect.
Oh and by the way, another potential target for Sub Boost.
Sitting in the hand; sitting in
Archives(womp womp) or R&D? Love the ICE-trap.Situational, however, and Event-deck Runners won't care as much. Still, if you're putting tokens on something or hosting cards (as was mentioned above) . . . or you're cheating out anything big, this is nasty.
"Ignore this ability if Archangel is accessed from Archives."
Agree with everything except Sub Boost.
I need to try this out. Acquire a power counter on Snoop, but keep it until Archangel resolves. Not only may you choose which card goes back into the runner's hand, but you may immediately trash it with Snoop, before the runner even has a chance to reinstall it.
It would certainly be funny, on multiple levels. First, of course, you're playing Snoop. Second, the look of "WAT?" on the runners face when you pull it off. Third, the feeling of regret in the corps heart when the timing doesn't quite work out or it does but there's no good target to pull the trigger on. Could be fun in a casual deck.
This is a card that I rarely install - its just a nasty surprise from the HQ. Im expecting we'll see more ICE in this vein; I imagine Jinteki's will be net damage?