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Earthrise Hotel
, -- | Last updated Jan 05 2015 08:22 PM
Earthrise HotelType: Resource: Location- Ritzy Cost: 4 Faction: Runner Neutral Faction Cost: Place 3 power counters on Earthrise Hotel when you install it. When there are no power counters left on Earthrise Hotel, trash it. When your turn begins, draw 2 cards and remove 1 power counter from Earthrise Hotel. Set: The Source Number: 120 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Simon Boxer |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Bad Pub and Blackmail deck Nexus Drom Reina For R&D Sunny's Army Adam: Initiating...Thinking |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
Earthrise Hotel: a more discrete hangout than Wyldeside. You don't need an intervention to stop the party.
Possibly the best card in the set. Clickless and sustained card draw; I like it.
I'd like it even better if removing the last power counter didn't trash it, making it friendly with pawnshop, but still...decent card.
This is really good; nice, measured card drawing without the need to discard loads, like with Duggars.
Love this card. It costs $1 more than Quality time for 1 more cards drawn. What makes me prefer it is that you get those cards over 3 turns, so that you don't get flooded with cards all at once.
It may not stay around for you to Pawn after it is exhausted, but you can still pawn it after getting 4 cards and get all but $1 back on your investment.
Or install it with Career Fair. 1 credit to draw 6 cards, without spending a single point of influence in criminal.