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Core Set

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10th Company Scout

10th Company Scout

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Scout. Ultramarines.
Cost: 1
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 1
Command Icons: 1

With enough time these scouts learn what it truly means to be an Adeptus Astartes, an Angel of Death.

Set: Core Set Number: 12 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Jon Cave
Agonizer of Bren

Agonizer of Bren

Type: Attachment
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Wargear. Weapon.
Cost: 1 Shields: 3
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Attach to an army unit.
Attached unit gets +1 ATK for each Khymera token you control.

The Beastmaster Bren created these Agonizers to lead packs of Khymerae into battle.

Set: Core Set Number: 103 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Alaitoc Shrine

Alaitoc Shrine

Type: Support
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Location.
Cost: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Reaction: After an [ELDAR] unit moves to a planet, exhaust this support to ready that unit.
A great monolith declaring the greatness of the Craftworld, and a warning to all who would dare assail it.

Set: Core Set Number: 124 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mark Molnar
Alpha Legion Infiltrator

Alpha Legion Infiltrator

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Scout. Alpha Legion.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 4
Hit Points: 1
Command Icons: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

The Alpha legion sows Chaos across the galaxy to further their heretical plots to unknown ends. It is rare to see the members of the Legion gather in large numbers.

Set: Core Set Number: 81 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Altansar Rangers

Altansar Rangers

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Scout. Altansar.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons: 2

Ranged. (This unit attacks during the ranged skirmish at the beginning of a battle.)

Set: Core Set Number: 128 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: GW Design Studio
Altar of Torment

♦ Altar of Torment

Type: Support
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Location.
Cost: 1

Limited. (Limit one Limited card per round.)
Interrupt: When you deploy a [DARK ELDAR] unit, exhaust this support to reduce that unit’s cost by 1.

Set: Core Set Number: 121 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mark Molnar
Ambush Platform

Ambush Platform

Type: Support
Faction: Tau
Traits: Upgrade.
Cost: 2

Interrupt: When you deploy an attachment, reduce its cost by 1.
Combat Action: Exhaust this support to deploy an attachment from your hand.

Set: Core Set Number: 168 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Nicholas Gregory
Archon’s Terror

Archon’s Terror

Type: Event
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Power.
Cost: 2 Shields: 1

Combat Action: Rout a target non-unique unit.
‘You think to challenge me, pitiful human? I, the bane of empires, the father of pain? Let me educate you; I need a new pet...” -Archon K’shaic, Kabal of the Bladed Lotus

Set: Core Set Number: 117 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Victor P Corbella
Assault Valkyrie

Assault Valkyrie

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Vehicle. Transport.
Cost: 4
Attack Value: 4
Hit Points: 4
Command Icons: 1

No Wargear Attachments.
(This unit takes half damage from non-flying units.)

Set: Core Set Number: 40 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Atrox Prime

Atrox Prime

Type: Planet
Type Symbols: Material, Tech

Battle: Deal 1 damage to each enemy unit at a target HQ or adjacent planet.

Set: Core Set Number: 176 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Bad Dok

Bad Dok

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Orks
Traits: Oddboy. Nob.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 4
Command Icons: 1

This unit gains 3 command icons while it is damaged.
“Not dat one! Da uvver arm! ARGH!” -Snagruk, Ork Patient

Set: Core Set Number: 65 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mauro Dal Bo
Baleful Mandrake

Baleful Mandrake

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Warrior.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 3
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons: 1

Ranged. (This unit attacks during the ranged skirmish at the beginning of a battle.)
Mandrakes will channel the pain of their victims into ‘Baleblasts’ of cold fire, freezing their foes in place.

Set: Core Set Number: 109 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: GW Design Studio
Banshee Power Sword

Banshee Power Sword

Type: Attachment
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Wargear. Weapon.
Cost: 1 Shields: 1

Attach to an army unit.
Attached unit gets +1 ATK. Interrupt: When attached unit declares an attack against a non-warlord unit, discard X cards from your hand to give attached unit +X ATK for that attack.

Set: Core Set Number: 143 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury


Type: Planet
Type Symbols: Strongpoint

Battle: Discard 1 card at random from your opponent’s hand.

Set: Core Set Number: 177 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mark Molnar
***-- No Comments have been made.
Battle Cry

Battle Cry

Type: Event
Faction: Orks
Traits: Power.
Cost: 3 Shields: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Play only during a battle.
Combat Action: Each [ORK] unit you control gets +2 ATK until the end of the battle.

Set: Core Set Number: 70 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Sergio Camarena Bernabeu
Beasthunter Wyches

Beasthunter Wyches

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Warrior. Wych.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 2

Reaction: After you play a [DARK ELDAR] event card, pay 1[RESOURCE] to put a Khymera token into play at your HQ.

Set: Core Set Number: 108 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Michael Phillippi
Biel-Tan Guardians

Biel-Tan Guardians

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Warrior. Biel-Tan. Ally.
Cost: 1
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 1
Command Icons: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

The Eldar Guardians are the militia of the Craftworld, called upon to defend their home in times of war.

Set: Core Set Number: 127 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: GW Design Studio
Biel-Tan Warp Spiders

Biel-Tan Warp Spiders

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Warrior. Biel-Tan.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 1

Reaction: After this unit is declared as an attacker, look at the top 2 cards of any player’s deck. You may discard 1 of those cards.

Set: Core Set Number: 137 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: GW Design Studio
Bigga is Betta

Bigga is Betta

Type: Event
Faction: Orks
Traits: Tactic.
Cost: 0 Shields: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Interrupt: When you deploy an [ORK] unit, reduce its cost by 2. Deal 1 damage to that unit after it enters play.
“Puny ‘umies! I iz da biggest!” -Bad Moons Meganob

Set: Core Set Number: 56 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Imaginary FS Pte Ltd
Bigtoof Banna

♦ Bigtoof Banna

Type: Support
Faction: Orks
Traits: Upgrade.
Cost: 1

Limited. (Limit one Limited card per round.)
Interrupt: When you deploy an [ORK] unit, exhaust this support to reduce that unit’s cost by 1.

Set: Core Set Number: 75 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Alex Konstad
Black Heart Ravager

Black Heart Ravager

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Vehicle. Tank. Elite.
Cost: 6
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 5
Command Icons: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

No Wargear Attachments.
Flying. (This unit takes half damage from non-Flying units.)
Reaction: After this unit damages a non-warlord unit, rout that unit.

Set: Core Set Number: 111 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mauro Dal Bo
Black Legion Heldrake

Black Legion Heldrake

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Daemon. Black Legion. Elite.
Cost: 8
Attack Value: 8
Hit Points: 8
Command Icons: 3
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

No Wargear Attachments.
(This unit takes half damage from non-flying units.)

Set: Core Set Number: 87 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Sam Lamont
Blood Angels Veterans

Blood Angels Veterans

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Soldier. Blood Angels.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 3
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 1

While this unit is ready, it gains, “Interrupt: When this unit is assigned damage, prevent 1 of that damage.”

Set: Core Set Number: 15 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury


Type: Attachment
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Condition.
Cost: 0 Shields: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Attach to an army unit you control.
Forced Reaction: After a unit you control is assigned damage by an attack at this planet, reassign 1 of that damage to attached unit.

Set: Core Set Number: 50 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Michal Ivan
Burna Boyz

Burna Boyz

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Orks
Traits: Warrior. Boyz.
Cost: 4
Attack Value: 5
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 1

Reaction: After this unit declares an attack against an enemy unit, deal 1 damage to a different enemy unit at the same planet.

Set: Core Set Number: 69 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Sam Lamont
Cadian Mortar Squad

Cadian Mortar Squad

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Soldier. Cadia.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Ranged. (This unit attacks during the ranged skirmish at the beginning of a battle.)
Reaction: After an army unit you control at this planet leaves play, ready this unit.

Set: Core Set Number: 36 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Dan Scott
Calculated Strike

Calculated Strike

Type: Event
Faction: Tau
Traits: Tactic.
Cost: 1 Shields: 1

Action: Destroy a target Limited card.
When a planet refuses to join the Tau in the Greater Good, the Tau respond by crippling the planet’s major industries before giving them a chance to reconsider.

Set: Core Set Number: 163 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mark Molnar
Captain Cato Sicarius

♦ Captain Cato Sicarius

Type: Warlord Unit
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Soldier. Ultramarines.
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 6
Command Icons: 1

Starting Hand Size: 7
Starting Resources: 7

Reaction: After an enemy unit at this planet is destroyed, gain 1[RESOURCE].
“We are the slayers of kings, the destroyers of worlds, the bringers of ruination and death in all its forms.”

Set: Core Set Number: 1 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Diego Gisbert Llorens
Captain Markis

♦ Captain Markis

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Soldier. Officer. Vostroya.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Action: Sacrifice an [ASTRA MILITARUM] unit at this planet to exhaust a target non-warlord unit at this planet. (Limit once per phase.)
“A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt.” -Tactica Imperialis

Set: Core Set Number: 42 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury


Type: Planet
Type Symbols: Material, Tech

Battle: Trigger the Battle ability of another planet in play.

Set: Core Set Number: 179 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Sam Burley
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