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The Threat Beyond

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Cacophonic Choir

Cacophonic Choir

Type: Event
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Power. Maneuver. Slaanesh.
Cost: 2 Shields: 1

Deploy Action: Exhaust your warlord to have your opponent deal X indirect damage among units he controls. X is the number of units your opponent controls.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 102 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: JB Casacop
Coteaz’s Henchmen

Coteaz’s Henchmen

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Soldier.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Interrupt: When this unit leaves play, ready your warlord.
"My purpose is to destroy the daemonic, and if I must rise to command an entire sector to do so then so be it." -Torquemada Coteaz

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 90 Quantity: 4
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Evil Sunz Warbiker

Evil Sunz Warbiker

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Orks
Traits: Warrior. Boyz.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons: 1

This unit gets +2 ATK while it is at a planet with a warlord.
Evil Sunz warbikes are coated in red; either painted that way to go 'fasta' or from the blood of their enemies. Often both.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 98 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Clint Langley
Fire Warrior Grenadiers

Fire Warrior Grenadiers

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Tau
Traits: Soldier. Shas’la.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons:

For each Ethereal unit you control at this planet, this unit gets +2 ATK and gains 1 command icon.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 109 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Ameen Naksewee
Firedrake Terminators

Firedrake Terminators

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Soldier. Salamanders. Elite.
Cost: 5
Attack Value: 3
Hit Points: 6
Command Icons: 2

Reaction: After this unit is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacker.
These Space Marines are as unstoppable and deadly as the lava flows of their native Nocturne.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 94 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Toni Justamante Jacobs
Formosan Black Ship

Formosan Black Ship

Type: Support
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Upgrade.
Cost: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Interrupt: When you sacrifice a non-token unit, exhaust this support to put 2 Guardsman tokens into play at the same planet as the sacrificed unit.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 91 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Imperial Fists Siege Force

Imperial Fists Siege Force

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Soldier. Imperial Fists.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons: 1

Reaction: After you deploy this unit, rout 1 or more target Ally units at this planet.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 95 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Jacob Atienza
Kabalite Halfborn

Kabalite Halfborn

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Warrior. Kabalite.
Cost: 1
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 1
Command Icons:

Interrupt: When this unit leaves play, draw 1 card.
Often scorned by the elevated Trueborn, Halfborn can rise from their vatborn origins to join a Kabal.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 103 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Ksi’m’yen Orbital City

Ksi’m’yen Orbital City

Type: Support
Faction: Tau
Traits: Location.
Cost: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Combat Action: Exhaust this support to move an Ethereal unit from your HQ to a target planet. Then, ready that unit.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 110 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Michał Miłkowski
Mighty Wraithknight

Mighty Wraithknight

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Vehicle. Spirit. Elite.
Cost: 6
Attack Value: 5
Hit Points: 5
Command Icons: 2

No Wargear attachments.
Reaction: After this unit enters play, exhaust each non-Spirit unit at this planet.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 106 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Sam Lamont
Mork’s Great Heap

♦ Mork’s Great Heap

Type: Support
Faction: Orks
Traits: Upgrade.
Cost: 3
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Each non-token [Ork] unit gets +1 HP.
Even silent, this Stompa is a beacon to Orks everywhere.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 99 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Alex Konstad
Nocturne-Ultima Storm Bolter

Nocturne-Ultima Storm Bolter

Type: Attachment
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Wargear. Weapon.
Cost: 3 Shields: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Attach to an army unit.
Reaction: After attached unit damages an enemy unit by an attack, deal damage equal to attached unit’s ATK value to another target unit at the same planet.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 96 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Nikolaus Ingeneri
Noise Marine Zealots

Noise Marine Zealots

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Warrior. Slaanesh.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 1

This unit gets +2 ATK while it is at a planet with a warlord.
Totally consumed with the pursuit of sensation, these Chaos Space Marines are a cacophony of death.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 100 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Sam Lamont
Seer’s Exodus

Seer’s Exodus

Type: Event
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Power.
Cost: 0 Shields: 1

Action: Move 1 or more units you control at a planet with your warlord to your HQ.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 107 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: GW Design Studio
Shadow Field

Shadow Field

Type: Attachment
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Wargear.
Cost: 2 Shields: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Attach to a [Dark Eldar] army unit.
Attached unit cannot be dealt damage by an army unit with printed cost 2 or lower.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 105 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Alexandr Elichev
Slake the Thirst

Slake the Thirst

Type: Event
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Tactic. Maneuver.
Cost: 0 Shields: 1

Action: Exhaust your warlord to discard up to 3 cards at random from a target player’s hand. Then, that player draws cards equal to the number of cards discarded.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 104 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Nikolay Stoyanov
Slumbering Gardens

Slumbering Gardens

Type: Support
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Location.
Cost: 1

Interrupt: When an effect would move a unit you control from a planet, exhaust this support to cancel that effect.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 108 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Erich Schreiner
Snake Bite Thug

Snake Bite Thug

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Orks
Traits: Warrior. Boyz.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 3
Hit Points: 4
Command Icons: 1

Forced Reaction: After this unit resolves its attack, deal 1 damage to it.
Snakebites are ferocious in combat, and even more deadly when wounded.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 97 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Alex Konstad
The Emperor Protects

The Emperor Protects

Type: Event
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Tactic.
Cost: 0 Shields: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Interrupt: When a unit you control leaves play from a planet with your warlord, return that unit to your hand instead.
Blessed are those with faith in the Emperor.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 93 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Alex Drummond
The Glovodan Eagle

♦ The Glovodan Eagle

Type: Attachment
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Familiar.
Cost: 1 Shields: 3
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Attach to your warlord.
Attached warlord gets +1 ATK.
Combat Action: Detach this card to have it become an army unit with 1 ATK and 1 HP and the text, “Action: Return this unit to your hand.”

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 92 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Abrar Ajmal
Torquemada Coteaz

♦ Torquemada Coteaz

Type: Warlord Unit
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Soldier. Inquisitor.
Attack Value: 0
Hit Points: 8
Command Icons: 1

Starting Hand Size: 8
Starting Resources: 8

Combat Action: Sacrifice a unit at this planet to give this warlord +3 ATK for its next attack this phase. Limit once per attack.
“While I still draw breath, no Daemon shall escape my wrath.”

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 89 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Diego Gisbert Llorens
Turbulent Rift

Turbulent Rift

Type: Support
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Location.
Cost: 1

Reaction: After you deploy an Elite unit, deal 1 damage to that unit to deal 1 damage to each enemy unit at that planet.

Set: The Threat Beyond Number: 101 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Zachary Graves
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