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#414894 Summer 2022 Elimination Round

Posted by MacRauri on 04 August 2022 - 03:39 PM

On to the Elimination Round of the 2022 Summer Online Tournament!



The Elimination Round is single elimination best of 5. During the first round where there is a clear higher seed the higher seed will decide which side deck to start with.  Players will alternate sides until a winner is determined. Should a 5th game be needed, the player with more game-points earned during the match may decide if they will play LS or DS in the 5th game. If that is a tie decide randomly.


Feel free to split your games up across multiple nights and report as you go along.






MacRauri:          L - D - 9 - 6 - 3               Kiramode::  9 - 7 - 6 

DavFlamerock:  10 - 9 - D - L - D          sirivanhoe2::  D - L - D 


jimmyc1972:  D - ? - D - L                    jollyroger::  11 - D - L - 5 - L

yodaman:       ? - D - ? - ?                    TNWT::        D - 0 - 5 - L - 9 





DavFlamerock:  D - L - 6 - L                 sirivanhoe2::  L - 7 - 8 - D - L 

jimmyc1972:      8 - 9 - L - 8                     jollyroger::  8 - L - D - 2 - 7 





jimmyc1972:  X - X - X - X - X   

jollyroger:       X - X - X - X - X  





DavFlamerock:  3 - 5 - 0 

sirivanhoe2:       D - L - D 

  • jimmyc1972, sirivanhoe2, MSNYCIdiora and 94 others like this

#415575 MN August 2022 Binder Draft

Posted by MacRauri on 09 August 2022 - 02:56 PM

We had a guest come up and visit Ethan, so we organized a binder draft in his honor.

Unfortunately, this was Monday after GenCon weekend, so not all the regular could come, but we were still able to do a round robin.



1st Place Ethan (3-1)


Affiliation - Smuggler

1x Rendar's Wrath

1x House Edge

1x The Smuggler's Gambit

1x Bargaining for Profit (L)

1x The Rebel Fleet

1x Sensors are Placed

1x Commando Operations

1x Commando Raid

1x Covert Operation (L)

1x Chaos at the Base (M)


Affiliation - Scum

1x Jabba's Orders

1x Nar Shaddaa Drift

1x Behind the Black Sun

1x I Don't Like You Either

1x Dangerous Criminals (L)

2x The Dark Trooper Project

1x Protect the Generator

1x The Art of War (FiC)

1x Reconnaissance Mission



2nd Place Colter (2-2)


Affiliation - Fighters for Freedom

1x The Defense of Yavin 4

1x Rogue Squadron Assault

1x Haunting the Empire

1x Save the Rebellion (FiC)

1x Heart of the Rebellion (FiC)

1x The Secret of Shantipole

1x A Hero's Duty

1x Twilight of the Apprentice

1x Journey to the Temple (M)

1x Sacrifice at Capital City (M)


Affiliation - Navy

1x Reinforcements!

1x Phantoms of Imdaar

1x Entrenched Defense

1x Choke on Your Aspirations (FiC)

1x The Killing Cold

1x The Plan of the Prophetess

1x Dark Counsel

1x The Emperor's Shadow

1x Rogue Archaeology

1x Vader's Army



3rd Place Mick (1-3)


Affiliation - Information Network

1x Attack Pattern Delta

1x Blue Squadron Support

1x Shield Generator Assault

1x Mission to Talay

1x Honor the Fallen (M)

1x Renegade Squadron Mobilization

1x Secret Weapons

1x Resistance and Rebellion

1x Badge of Honor

1x Meeting in the Sands (M)


Affiliation - Scum

1x The Hunt for Han Solo

1x Nar Shaddaa Drift

1x The Last Grand Admiral

1x Imperial Entanglements

1x Immeasurable Power

1x Pellaeon's Plan (L)

1x The Art of War (FiC)

1x You Are In Command Now, Admiral (FiC)

1x Imperial Subjugation (M)

1x Idyllic Security Complex (M)



Play of the Day goes to Ethan, who managed two turns of unopposed Home One attacks sprinkling damage everywhere.  I had Minor Setback in my hand which is a reaction off a friendly objective being destroyed and it would let me heal all my remaining objectives to full.  Ethan plays Platt O'keefe which lets him see my hand and follows that up with a Herglicc Sabaac Addict and names and strips my only hope of victory.  


It was a fun day.

  • DavFlamerock, sdrewthomson, NormanMax and 88 others like this

#340638 Better than Sentinels of the Multiverse

Posted by SlipCapone on 22 January 2020 - 03:30 PM

Hey guys,

My group owns Sentinels of the Multiverse, is Marvel Champions better?

If so, why is it better? We don't want to commit when the game looks very similar.

Thanks heaps

  • lynnexy1, Davidrem, Walterrer11 and 86 others like this

#395314 Complete Cardlist?

Posted by Gomez on 14 April 2022 - 07:01 AM

I know this site has everything you could want regarding the cards in CoC...except there doesn't seem to be a way of downloading a text list of the cards :(

I'd really like to be able to grab Cardname, Setname, Faction, & Collector Number.


I've seen a page that shows all the AGoT data in JSON format, but is there something similar for CoC?


If there's an API I could use, that wouldn't be too bad either.


Thanks in advance!

  • SprinIdiora, MMIdiora, MSNYCIdiora and 83 others like this

#337663 CardGameDB Marvel Champions Deckbuilder

Posted by Darksbane on 31 October 2019 - 03:38 AM

The CardGameDB Marvel Champions Deckbuilder, Card Database, and Submitted decks section is now up and running. 
You can get to each section with the links below or by using the navigation menu in the sidebar.


Visit the Marvel Champions Deckbuilder and construct your own custom decks. Make sure to go to the setting to choose your favorite hero as a background.


Once you've created your deck you can submit it and it will show up in the Submitted Decks section



And you can browse all the cards in the Card Database


  • zordren, lynnexy1, BathroomsKap and 75 others like this

#352708 Marvel Champions Definitive Rankings

Posted by JediGeekGirl on 07 October 2020 - 05:09 PM

Don't miss your chance to have your voice heard in the Marvel Champions Definitive Rankings. Have your voice be heard.

YOU rank all the heroes, villains, modular sets and upcoming content and we'll post the results 10/15.

Here is the link to that survey:


  • lynnexy1, Davidrem, SprinIdiora and 73 others like this

#229772 Suggestions for the site

Posted by Tragic on 11 December 2015 - 07:42 PM

Can we get an L5R forum added?   The fantasyflightgames.com forums have one already.


we BADLY need a L5R forum.... it would literally take 5 mins to set one up. Like in the time it has taken me to write this post, I could have added a forum. 


The FFG community manager needs to set up some low level moderators to handle the daily maintenance of the individual forums, they could easily get some community leader in each game to do it.

  • AndreyTax, AlbertEXERA, Koraseth and 73 others like this

#268431 What are people reading?

Posted by Skelton on 03 June 2016 - 01:55 PM

I have somewhere in the region of 800 Zonbie films from all across the globe. I have every issue of TWD from issue 1 as well as a long box filled with other Z comic books. I estimate I have 30-40 Zombie related books on my shelves. I have a screenplay a friend and I wrote, 'No More Room in Hell' which is a very realistic take on a Z outbreak in the UK as well as some short fiction I have on the same subject.

So....errr....me neither. :D
  • MightyToenail, alexbobspoons, AndroidSgaf and 68 others like this

#360602 Marvel Champions Deckbuilder Not Working?

Posted by Kalas on 18 February 2021 - 10:19 AM

Is there an issue with the Marvel Champions deckbuilder? On mobile or desktop, it seems to get stuck loading (with the black and white loading icon and the top Marvel Champions banner displayed). 

  • zordren, dhoopster, punkeedo and 65 others like this

#215526 Deck Builder, Card Database, Submitted Decks section live

Posted by MiSiO on 14 October 2015 - 01:29 PM

Not sure if this is the threat to report it but I have only 1 GJ event for AGOT2 deckbuilder avaliable. Not 3. 2 are missing.

  • lynnexy1, RonaldGof, MartintHold and 61 others like this

#444034 2023 Winter Online Tournament Open-Qualifier

Posted by MacRauri on 01 December 2022 - 12:00 AM

It is time once again for the next online tournament!


The summer 2022 tournament reached its conclusion with Sirivanhoe2 once again claiming the title of champion.  Our winter cardpool will be a return to the idea of his previous unlimited pool, but with a few twists:


Winter 2023 Cardpool:


All FFG cards are once again legal!

FFG restricted list and errata: yes!

alternate affiliation cards: NO!

replacement cards: no!


Deck construction is “HIGHLANDER STYLE”:  You may only have 1 copy of all objective sets in your deck.  Normally you can build with 2 copies of a set, but this winter there can be only one!


Also, in the highlander theme: If you have affiliated objective sets in your objective deck, you can only have ONE type of affiliation.  All decks must also be mono-affiliated.  A deck can have any number of neutral sets, and you can play any affiliation, but you can’t mix affiliations.  Will MTFBWY emerge as the staple it's always been, or will players gravitate to the Falcon if they have to pick and can only run 1 copy?



There will also be the return of the new special Coaxium affiliation cards!  Players can choose to run the regular vanilla affiliation cards, but to open up deck-building possibilities in a mono-affiliation highlander environment players may want to experiment with the guaranteed resource curve of the Coaxium affiliation.



Jedi Coaxium (X) resources

X=Death Star Dial (max 3)

Remove all focus tokens from this card when you refresh

This card cannot be targeted or enhanced

Units may not enter play from your deck

All resource generating unit and enhancement cards you control have their resource value set to 0.

Starting Reserve: 6


Note:  All affiliations have access to a coaxium affiliation card.

 ALSO Note:  In the Elimination Round players will once again field FOUR decks!  2 LS and 2 DS where the highlander rule applies globally across all decks!  If MTFBWY is in one LS deck it CANNOT be in the other.  Your decks may however have the same affiliation card and it can even be coaxium across both.  What will people field??










The Group Round is once again gone and replaced with a completely open qualifying round.  Players do not need to sign-up in advance, we won’t be drawing for Groups.  If you want to play you can join at any time and coordinate games with other people to reach the Elimination Round.  How do you Qualify for the Elimination Round?  You play at least 3 matches against other players and report here or to me via FB or Discord.  Players can only report one result per pairing, so you can’t get in a dozen games against just one person.  You have to mix it up.  Seeding in the Elimination Round will go by number of wins, then game points, the who reported their last game first in case of ties.


Scoring: Like last time we did an online tournament, there is a tie-breaker system players will need to report on.  A win is considered 12 points.  DS gets points based off the Death Star Dial when they lose.  Ex: losing with the dial at 10 results in 12 points for the LS player, 10 points fo the DS player.  LS tie breaking points are based off objective progress.  4 points for each objective in the LS victory pile + 1 point for every 2 points of objective damage on the board, rounded down, the a maximum of +3.  Ex 1: LS loses with 2 objectives destroyed and 3 damage on the board.  LS gets 9 points.  Ex2: LS loses with 1 objective destroyed and 2 objectives at 4 damage on the board and another at 3.  LS gets 7 points.  Yes, this does incentivize certain decks, we’ll just have to make our peace with that.  Game Points are not going to be as important during the Open Qualifier except for tie-breaking for seeding, but may still be highly relevant in the Elimination Round.


Q: So anyone can reach the Elimination Round?

A: Yes, this is about getting us together to play games again.  It also takes the pressure off of finding “the best deck” before even starting Group Round play.  Play with the new stuff, try different dyads, experiment with the fan made cards!  A player does need to get in at least 6 games though.


Q: How big is the Elimination Round going to be then?

A:  That depends on how many people play games and register to continue, but we can take as many people who want to.  The players who have the most wins during the Open Qualifier will likely have a first round bye unless we hit a power of two exactly.


Q:  What’s this about registering for the Elimination Round?

A:  Lets address that in the next section!



Elimination Round

Entering the Elimination Rounds qualifying players will need to lock in their deck lists!  Anyone who has gotten in at least 6 games during the Open Round can send me their decklists for what they want to play for the rest of the tournament.  I won’t be chasing down people during this season, so please think about your decklists before the cut-off time.   Once I compile all the lists they will be posted on Cardgamedb for all to see.  This will let players plan their strategy and also let the rest of us watching place our bets!


NOTE:  Like in the summer of 2021, we will once again be fielding 4 decks in the cut!  Players must field 2 LS and 2 DS decks, that abide by the highlander deck building constraints ACROSS ALL DECKS!  That is, if one deck has a single copy of Asteroid Base in it, your other LS deck CANNOT have a copy of Asteroid Base.  Players may, however, run LS decks with the same affiliation.  They can even both be coaxium.  It’s the objective deck that must be highlander!


Elimination Round will be single elimination best of 5.


In the first two rounds  the higher seeded player from their group will have the choice of what deck to play first.  In all later rounds it will be decided by coin flip.  Players will alternate playing LS/DS and playing a new deck each time. If a 5th game is needed the player who has more game points accumulated during the first 4 games of that one-on-one match may announce which side they wish to play in the 5th gamel.   So keep track of the dial and objective damage in these games too!


Hopefully we’ll continue to have really exciting games, and online streaming in the cut!

And the prize for all this: Community!  Fame -the fortune.  Fame minus the fortune… and a say in (total control over!) the next limited cardpool!!


Next Steps


This Begins NOW!!

If you want to let other players know that you are participating you can post here and I will make a list of who wants to take part.  We can also coordinate over FB or Discord.


Open Qualifier last until Sunday January 29th.

Qualifying Players need to message me their decklists by Thursday Feb 2nd


If you would like to play, but cannot post here because a moderator hasn't approved posts yet, you can still PM me on cardgamedb here.  Or you can reach out to us on the FB group.




Report matches in this thread.  (and interest to play)


  • yodaman, sirivanhoe2, Jamestrunk and 55 others like this

#328510 Where to find Netrunner dicussions

Posted by FightingWalloon on 02 April 2018 - 10:54 AM

If you came here looking for Netrunner content, you are probably disappointed.


This forum does not get much activity and the deck builder is really clunky.


Here are a couple places where you might find more of what you are looking for:


Netrunner Database - best deck builder and deck collection for browsing


Stimhack - best forum with thread posts and all that stuff


Netrunner Reddit - it is reddit, so buyer beware


Slack - chat about Netrunner with lots of activity, but has the draw backs of live chat


Netrunner Dorks - a Facebook group not tied to a specific meta or location

  • Lunchmoney, PeterPan, Herbertbax and 55 others like this

#378335 Star Wars RPG fantasy role play cards

Posted by bilosta on 13 August 2021 - 02:16 PM

Hi all,


i wonder is there any chance to poste cards form Star Wars RPG from FFG




thanks in advance,


best regards

  • Davidrem, MSNYCIdiora, AldenOt and 54 others like this

#333799 Downgrades on the Deckbuilder?

Posted by zordren on 28 April 2019 - 02:25 PM

Anybody seeing where "downgrades" are showing up in the deck builder?  They pull up in the search and can be added to a deck, but I'm not seeing them actually show up anywhere.  

  • Markafu, Condorj, Dararmss and 52 others like this

#237295 Community FAQ & Resources: Podcasts, Game Video & Much More

Posted by scantrell24 on 18 January 2016 - 12:35 PM

Updated a bit. Let me know if anything's missing.

  • GresgBor, ArkadiyCype, lynnexy1 and 51 others like this

#314232 CardGameDB.com L5R Deckbuilder

Posted by Darksbane on 23 August 2017 - 10:52 PM

Hi everyone,


The CardGameDB.com deckbuilder is up and running:



The Card Database is up also:



And the submitted decks section:



I'm still doing a few tweaks and will be adding the new decks feed and card comments feed into the forums tomorrow.

  • WWDrakey, NuFenix, BaraBob and 50 others like this

#410672 Summer 2022 Open Qualifier

Posted by MacRauri on 17 July 2022 - 01:17 PM


Upon discussion after game it was determined that since Obi-Wan does not specifically state that he needs to be participating, his reaction can be triggered in any engagement in which you are the defending player. MacRauri agreed to concede to LS with dial at 9.


Card Clarification:  M-Cycle Obi-Wan needs to be participating in the engagement to have his action.  The card says "while defending a friendly objective this unit gains...."  The implication is that it is while the the unit is defending, not you as the LS player.  I thought I had modeled as much card language as possible after existing FFG cards, but that doesn't seem to be the case with this one.  I had always play-tested the card where he had to be participating to gain his ability, and I think it's better if he continue to function in that way.

  • yodaman, TheNameWasTaken, jimmyc1972 and 48 others like this

#285734 For Brad, Eric, Nate, others

Posted by dnapolitano on 09 September 2016 - 02:18 PM

I don't know if FFG will keep these forums up, so I thought this a good time as any to offer this thank you.

Thank you Brad Andres, Eric Lang, and Nate French, plus others that were involved in the designing and testing of this game. Conquest is the best f*cking game I have ever played. I hope your work on this game brings you future success.
  • NecRus888, DavFlamerock, sammann11 and 47 others like this

#343622 Missing standalone scenarios in the database

Posted by Jekothalep on 05 April 2020 - 07:16 PM



Not sure if the persons who can answer this question will actually read this, but I'm giving it a shot anyway...


I was wondering if the still missing standalone scenarios, i.e. Curse of the Rougarou, Carnivale of Horrors, & Murder at the Excelsior Hotel, will be added to the database at some point, or not?

  • Davidrem, BathroomsKap, Tyralu and 45 others like this

#338108 Update the deckbuilder

Posted by Olorin on 27 November 2019 - 08:24 PM

Please, admins, add the cards of the last cycle to the deckbuilder for our beloved game. 

  • Dararmss, Smasgotd, Llain and 45 others like this