On to the Elimination Round of the 2022 Summer Online Tournament!
The Elimination Round is single elimination best of 5. During the first round where there is a clear higher seed the higher seed will decide which side deck to start with. Players will alternate sides until a winner is determined. Should a 5th game be needed, the player with more game-points earned during the match may decide if they will play LS or DS in the 5th game. If that is a tie decide randomly.
Feel free to split your games up across multiple nights and report as you go along.
MacRauri: L - D - 9 - 6 - 3 Kiramode:: 9 - 7 - 6
DavFlamerock: 10 - 9 - D - L - D sirivanhoe2:: D - L - D
jimmyc1972: D - ? - D - L jollyroger:: 11 - D - L - 5 - L
yodaman: ? - D - ? - ? TNWT:: D - 0 - 5 - L - 9
DavFlamerock: D - L - 6 - L sirivanhoe2:: L - 7 - 8 - D - L
jimmyc1972: 8 - 9 - L - 8 jollyroger:: 8 - L - D - 2 - 7
jimmyc1972: X - X - X - X - X
jollyroger: X - X - X - X - X
DavFlamerock: 3 - 5 - 0
sirivanhoe2: D - L - D
- jimmyc1972, sirivanhoe2, MSNYCIdiora and 94 others like this