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Where to find Netrunner dicussions

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If you came here looking for Netrunner content, you are probably disappointed.


This forum does not get much activity and the deck builder is really clunky.


Here are a couple places where you might find more of what you are looking for:


Netrunner Database - best deck builder and deck collection for browsing


Stimhack - best forum with thread posts and all that stuff


Netrunner Reddit - it is reddit, so buyer beware


Slack - chat about Netrunner with lots of activity, but has the draw backs of live chat


Netrunner Dorks - a Facebook group not tied to a specific meta or location

  • Lunchmoney, PeterPan, Herbertbax and 55 others like this




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Thinking about buying into this. People still interested in it?
  • Simonbh, Stephanes, MaxenceA and 18 others like this