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WTB - Star Wars LCG Stuff

Star Wars LCG

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Hey guys!

Getting back into the game, and wanted to get caught up from where I left off and complete some things I started collecting. Looking for the last two cycles (Opposition and Alliances) but if you have those with a bigger lot I may be interested in getting some extra sets anyways. Also looking for Acrylic tokens, specifically the orange focus and damage tokens, force commit tokens, and anything else people are wanting to get rid of.

Any help hunting this stuff down would be awesome!

  • Davidrem, margeelelry, wilferdseo and 1 other like this



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  • Davidrem, MaxenceA, BerangerO and 5 others like this




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Bumping this for giggles to see if I'll get any more traction. Looking for ANY Star Wars LCG promo related items, as well as lots for sale.
  • Davidrem, margeelelry and Chinadathy like this




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Bumping this for giggles to see if I'll get any more traction. Looking for ANY Star Wars LCG promo related items, as well as lots for sale.


Have you checked out the Facebook SWLCG group? People are selling sets there relatively frequent. 

  • Davidrem likes this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Star Wars LCG