Two more games today.
Game 3: my version of the Jedi vs. TIEs. The fighter swarm took some time to come together, and I got a wealth of tactics and protect to defend myself - Domain Yoda, core Obi with his lightsaber and shien, Survivors and a Mystic. And when that fighter swarm had become large enough, My Ally wiped it all out. Donovan never recovered. LS win, dial at 5.
Game 4: the last remaining matchup, Sith vs. Jedi. Things were not looking good for me initially - I mulliganed into a unitless hand, but thankfully Fall of the Jedi let me get a playable unit after all in the form of a royal guard, and did solid work accelerating my card draws all game. Donovan countered with Kyle Katarn, and opted to turn off Agent of the Emperor instead of taking the force. The dial moved to 3, which let me bring out the Emperor on turn 2, and you know LS is in for a rough time when that happens. Particularly since The Reawakening took away lots of Donovan's toys (Obi, one copy of Kyle and one of the Lukes, mainly). My board grew rapidly while Donovan's did not, and he ended up committing Endor Luke to take the force, which made him a valid target for Force Manipulation shortly thereafter. We also saw Join Me taking a Wolfman, and a double Give In to take out both Kyle and pilot Luke. Against all this, Donovan only got 4 damage through, and the dial hit 12. So there won't be a game 5.