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Death by a thorn of a Rose

  • TheBrianFactor likes this


If your focus is going to be on Randy, I'd suggest running him x3 to see him sooner, as well as having the benefit of another dupe.



If your focus is going to be on Randy, I'd suggest running him x3 to see him sooner, as well as having the benefit of another dupe.



Hey man, I appreciate the feedback.  It is actually on my changelog, I had a chance to run more tests around the deck and have  found he is a key factor in my victories in my recent matches, so I would expect a bit cheaper list and definitely 3x of Randy change very soon. :D

    • KruppSteel likes this

Good to hear you are having success! I am also playing around with Tyrell right now, trying to find the best way to get Randy into the game asap.


Best of luck in your future endeavors, cheers!

Hey KruppSteel,


the rehaul is finished so far, I am using the event '“The Bear and the Maiden Fair”' and the plot 'Summons' in order to reach Randyll as fast as possible, I have found it gets results fast after adding an additional Randyll into the deck, The only problem was the sacrificing of initiative in order to reach him which can also cause problems but if you have a good starting hand, the game was usually fine (Omitting Bara Fealty......... it was rough).  Hopefully that helps! 


Good luck!