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Crab Honor Squeeze
Submitted by
, Sep 01 2017 08:15 PM | Last updated Sep 14 2017 12:05 AM
- longbow, Flukeytuba and Garthantash like this
Tags: Other
Clan: Crab
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Maybe remove Hiruma Yojimbo in favor of three copies of Favorable Ground?
Perhaps find a way to squeeze in two copies of Assassination?
Phoenix possibilities: Display Of Power x3 and Seeker of Knowledge x3 as a way to manipulate the Air Ring. Might also need to include Miya Mystic for more shugenja.
Perhaps find a way to squeeze in two copies of Assassination?
Phoenix possibilities: Display Of Power x3 and Seeker of Knowledge x3 as a way to manipulate the Air Ring. Might also need to include Miya Mystic for more shugenja.
Sample Hand:
Very nice idea for a deck.!