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Shugenja Control dishonor
Submitted by
, Nov 04 2017 12:22 PM | Last updated Nov 04 2017 12:22 PM
Tags: ControlExperimentalTournament Quality
Clan: Scorpion
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
To first: my english is BAD! I hope you excused me ;).
With this Deck I will win: first many cheap peeps, high presure in the first battles, many peeps and spells to counter opponents cards, dishonor just as a opportunity to win the battle (bow for exemples).
Thanks for your answer.
With this Deck I will win: first many cheap peeps, high presure in the first battles, many peeps and spells to counter opponents cards, dishonor just as a opportunity to win the battle (bow for exemples).
Thanks for your answer.
Sample Hand:
I will change 1 Display of Power and 1 Against the Waves to + 1 Banzai! and 1 Pacificim