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The Lion Within
Submitted by
, Jul 21 2018 02:35 PM | Last updated Aug 01 2018 07:58 AM
- Gpetiso and Daihmon like this
Tags: ComboFunTournament QualityTheme
Clan: Phoenix
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Main weakness seemed to be getting dishonored, so I run 5 honoring cards as dishonor meta. This deck is for up to ebb and flow. Last last 2 packs will be included after they are legal.
P.S. i took out benten's because it was still too costly even with Uona in. Many times i had it and she was no where to be found. I'd rather run the walking the ways especially since i have many high costs guys.
P.S. i took out benten's because it was still too costly even with Uona in. Many times i had it and she was no where to be found. I'd rather run the walking the ways especially since i have many high costs guys.
Sample Hand: