Trench Run: Enhance the Death Star dial. This enhancement cannot be targeted.
You may engage the Death Star dial as though it were a dark side objective (it is not an objective). If the dial has 10 or more damage, the light side wins the game.
Luke's X-34 Landspeeder: While this unit is attacking, it gains: “Reaction: After defenders are declared, resolve this engagement against a different eligible target enemy objective instead.â€
Han Solo (Solo's Command): Reaction: After this unit is focused to strike as an attacker, choose an enemy objective you are not engaged with. You are now engaged with the chosen objective instead.
Secret Objective: If you are the attacking player, you may choose an enemy objective that you have not engaged this phase. If you do, you are not engaged with the chosen objective instead.
In preparing for Solo's Command, I'd interested in what the rulings will be regarding Trench Run and the various effects that allow switching of engaged objectives. As it stands right now, I've enjoyed attacking one objective, then attacking another with Luke's X-34 Landspeeder and switching to attack the first objective again. It is a great way to hit one target hard, and to benefit from the unopposed bonus multiple times.
That made me wonder: Can this trick be used against the Trench Run 'objective?' As an example of the case, could I declare an attack against DS Objective #1 with any unit and play Secret Objective during the edge battle to switch to Trench Run, declare a 2nd attack on Trench Run with a second unit for Engagement #2, declare an attack the DS Objective #2 with Luke's Landspeeder for Engagement #3 and switch it to attack the Trench Run for the 3rd time, and declare an attack with Han Solo on the DS Objective #3 and switch to Trench Run using his ability after he strikes (for a 4th Trench Run)?
Though this sounds pretty fun, alarm bells ring in my head about how these effects work with Trench Run. Han's effect targets, and Trench Run cannot be targeted. Secret Objective and Luke's Landspeeder don't target, but do use the term 'objective' when choosing, and Trench Run specifies that it is *not* an objective. It does say that it can be engaged like an objective; are these effects 'engaging' an objective, or are their abilities unique and separate from 'engaging' verbiage?
I assume that none of these work, but I wanted to make sure this was clarified before running into it at any tournaments.