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Lord of the Rings LCG
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Bard son of Brand
Feb 21 2020 04:34 PM by a101franky Great card, but can I attach him cards like Spear of the Citadel or A Burning Brand without any sphere song? Thx to any reply...
Secret Paths
Nov 01 2019 02:48 AM by BurnsHood
Not so good against locations with nasty passive effects that trigger when it's the active location. Secret Paths is still great for those. Plus I love the artwork on SP. They need to make a player mat from it.
Sep 22 2019 05:55 PM by hayduke This card is the only Lore hero with the warrior trait baked in. Interesting...
Jun 11 2019 04:50 PM by BurnsHood I find myself using his leadership version more. I think it's funny how their abilities are complete opposite of each other. I like his synergy with the Ents, being able to ready an ent the same round it was played to attack/defend.
Apr 14 2019 07:29 AM by DeDe Faramir seems pretty good, I am suprised to see no comments regarding him
Grimbeorn the Old
Mar 12 2019 01:50 PM by TheNameWasTaken No, Grimbeorn must attack alone. As for the timing - I don't know which happens first, but Grimbeorn doesn't explicitly require that the enemy should be engaged with you so I'd say he can still hit back even if the warg bounces.
Mar 06 2019 08:28 AM by Rilmalas He looks like american native "Steven Seagull"… first art I rly don't like.
Arwen Undomiel
Mar 06 2019 07:25 AM by Rilmalas She is easy one of the best spirit allies in the game. Playing her in almost every spirit included deck.
Feb 26 2019 12:34 AM by HoodsBreath
No. This version of Aragorn can only be used when playing the scenarios in The Flame of the West.
Grimbeorn the Old
Feb 18 2019 02:54 AM by DwarvenResolve Can other characters join in his attack? Also, what is the timing on his attack? For example if Wargs (creatures deck, core set - also seen again in the Evil Creatures deck in the first quest ofWilds of Rhovanion) attack and is dealt a shadow card with no text can Grimbeorn’s response take place before the Warg goes back to the staging area?
Feb 16 2019 09:22 AM by janmhudecek Is this card included in limit 3 hero's for one player?
Sleeping Sentry
Feb 16 2019 06:57 AM by morepltka I a bit cheated with this card yesterday, where I played feint on enemy once this card was revealed as shadow card ( even though I know I should have played feint before shadow card was revealed ). really it is killing the game, too much situational either you have cancel for shadow card or not.. Probably worth to add Dark Knowledge into your decks for this encounter
Feb 16 2019 06:49 AM by morepltka Hi, do I need to pick defender / attach shadow card for this enemy if it has 0 attack? Last days I was dragging with this adventure and I was defending as usual even it had 0 attack
Strength of Will
Feb 12 2019 04:23 AM by dr00
no, you cannot pay costs with other players' resources or characters. it must be someone you control.
Man the Walls
Feb 11 2019 09:16 AM by bspratt1611 The cost is not listed correctly: it should be "0". |
Browse Full Sets | ||
Core Set |
128 Cards | |
Khazad-dum |
76 Cards | |
Shadows of Mirkwood |
139 Cards | |
The Massing at Osgiliath |
19 Cards | |
Dwarrowdelf |
154 Cards | |
The Battle of Lake-Town |
24 Cards | |
The Hobbit |
163 Cards | |
Lord of the Rings Saga Expansions |
418 Cards | |
Heirs of Numenor |
76 Cards | |
Against the Shadow |
159 Cards | |
The Voice of Isengard |
67 Cards | |
Nightmare Decks |
8 Cards | |
The Stone of Erech |
27 Cards | |
The Ring-maker Cycle |
154 Cards | |
The Lost Realm |
73 Cards | |
Angmar Awakened Cycle |
159 Cards | |
The Grey Havens |
81 Cards | |
Dream-Chaser Cycle |
137 Cards | |
The Sands of Harad |
74 Cards | |
Haradrim Cycle |
161 Cards | |
The Wilds of Rhovanion |
80 Cards | |
Ered Mithrin Cycle |
166 Cards | |
A Shadow in the East |
254 Cards | |
The Hunt for the Dreadnaught |
55 Cards |
Dec 10 2021 08:40 AM by a101franky
Hy all.....with Herald can I put in play an ally out of my deck sphere as vilya of Elrond? Thx in advance for any reply.....