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Arkham Horror: The Card Game
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Wish Eater
Nov 20 2021 09:58 AM by Panzerbjrn When I cancel a token, does that make the value 0 and I ignore the text, or do I draw a new token, or is the whole skill test cancelled?
Oct 20 2020 09:30 AM by Jekothalep If you only find a Unique ally card who is already in play, you simply can't put that ally into play and that part of the effect fizzles out.
If you can't put an ally in play, or if you don't find an ally to put into play, you simply discard flare instead of exiling it. "Then" means that every part of the preceding effect needs to be successfully resolved in order to be able to resolve the "then"-effect. Since you couldn't put an ally into play, the "then"-effect doesn't get resolved, and thus Flare doesn't get exiled.
Note that you always shuffle the searched deck no matter if you put an ally into play or not, since that effect is not preceded by a "then".
Oct 20 2020 08:15 AM by RichardPlunkett What would happen if the only Ally you find in your search is a Unique card that is already in play? I assume the 'put into play' fizzles, but what happens to the card?
Act 2 – They Must Be Destroyed!
Oct 07 2020 02:27 PM by Jekothalep No, you can only advance when all the Broods have been defeated, i.e. none are in play, and there are none set aside any more. If need be, make use of the "The Creature's Tracks" treachery card to spawn the set-aside Broods.
Act 2 – They Must Be Destroyed!
Oct 06 2020 11:28 AM by a101franky Hi everybody, a "little" question: Can I advance if, for example, there are no Brood of Yog-Sothoth set aside but only 2 in play, or 2 set aside e no one in play?... Thx in advance for any replay
The Stars Are Right
Feb 04 2020 06:53 PM by Jekothalep It's an encounter card which gets shuffled into the top 10 cards of the encounter deck when an investigators plays a copy of the Mystic card "Stargazing".
Here are the rules for Bonded cards: Cards with the bonded keyword are linked to another player card. They have no level and therefore are not available as deckbuilding options. Instead, the card to which they are bonded (which is listed in parentheses next to this keyword) brings the bonded card into the game.
If your deck contains a card that summons one or more bonded cards, those bonded cards are set aside at the start of each game.
If a weakness with the bonded keyword is added to an investigator’s deck, hand, threat area, or play area, it does not remain a part of that investigator’s deck for the rest of the campaign (unlike other weaknesses). It starts each game set aside with that investigator’s other bonded cards.
The Stars Are Right
Feb 02 2020 08:16 PM by amberan I am a bit confused. Is this a player card or encounter card? It has front of a mystic player card, but back of a mythos encounter...
The End is Nigh!
Aug 08 2019 07:38 PM by Jekothalep The text listed here is not the same as the one actually written on the card.
Curse of Yig
Apr 25 2019 09:35 AM by tsuma534 My bet is that it's forward compatibility and Return to the Forgotten Age may interact with it.
Curse of Yig
Apr 12 2019 12:38 PM by RichardPlunkett I haven't seen a card that interacts with it. Possibly just flavor. Possibly leftover from something that didn't make it thru development.
I know I saw a couple of people struggle to get this off them the first couple of times we saw it just for fear it mattered - one of the mixed advantages of unspoiled play.
Curse of Yig
Apr 10 2019 01:21 PM by TheNameWasTaken Is the Serpent trait there just for fluff purposes, or does something actually check for that?
The Familiar
Mar 28 2019 08:47 PM by Jayelbird There is an error in this card's text as displayed. It's missing the text: "Shuffle both set-aside copies of Ghostly Presence into the encounter deck."
Finn Edwards
Jan 29 2019 06:52 PM by GreatGopher Yes, but there's at least one non-Rogue Illicit card spoiled for an upcoming set
Finn Edwards
Jan 29 2019 01:01 PM by Doovies He only has 3 cards out of his reach in the Rogue Pool of cards and Suggestion would never make the cut anyway. He also has access to 5 out of class cards from TWO other factions. Not very limiting at all.
Finn Edwards
Jan 29 2019 04:18 AM by Nerdmeister Regarding deck-building aren´t the only illicit cards rogue anyway, practically limiting Finn in a big way, till more cards enter the pool?
Oct 31 2018 06:49 AM by RichardPlunkett The Prey can affect how you move and who you engage with if there are multiple available choices. Obviously this prey clause doesn't do the second, but it can still affect movement. Hunters prefer the closest investigator, but if there are investigators at two+ equidistant locations then it moves towards the one of those that is closest to Mouth of K’n-yan.
The Forced is likely only active when a Basilisk is in play. A Vengeance Hunter is a pretty nasty thing, and this effect limits the amount of time it's on the table a little.
Daisy Walker
Oct 29 2018 12:51 PM by SirWalterManny Cheers. Yes, been playing that way (ie not counting in-hand, decal or discard) but after reading several discussions online wasn’t sure, and couldn’t see any clarification in FAQs or errata.
Daisy Walker
Oct 27 2018 11:42 PM by RichardPlunkett I don't think they count. That second rule you quote being the important one. When doing the counting for the elder sign effect it can only count Tomes in play. |
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Core Set |
182 Cards | |
Return to the Night of the Zealot |
47 Cards | |
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104 Cards | |
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229 Cards | |
Return to the Dunwich Legacy |
72 Cards | |
The Path to Carcosa |
0 Cards | |
The Path to Carcosa Cycle |
245 Cards | |
Return to the Path to Carcosa |
78 Cards | |
The Labyrinths of Lunacy |
61 Cards | |
Guardians of the Abyss |
58 Cards | |
The Forgotten Age |
102 Cards | |
The Forgotten Age Cycle |
245 Cards | |
Return to the Forgotten Age |
80 Cards | |
The Circle Undone |
351 Cards | |
The Dream-Eaters |
110 Cards | |
The Dream-Eaters Cycle |
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The Blob That Ate Everything |
53 Cards | |
Investigator Starter Decks |
160 Cards | |
The Innsmouth Conspiracy |
107 Cards | |
The Innsmouth Conspiracy Cycle |
124 Cards | |
War of the Outer Gods |
55 Cards |
Nov 30 2021 06:20 PM by Jekothalep
Yes, you can sort of treat it as if you drew a "0" chaos token. Or a "blank" token with no effect or modifier.
The effect simply cancels the token. It doesn't cancel the whole skill test, nor does it instruct you to reveal a new one (like for example on "False Covenant" or "Third Time's a Charm").