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Star Wars LCG

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Recent Card Discussion
Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

May 03 2023 06:57 AM by De1tas

This is one of the only cards that have protect Unit. So i Can do it for hoth vehicles and charavters and droids?

Supporting Fire

Jun 05 2022 07:33 PM by TheNameWasTaken

Yes, of course. You are friendly to yourself.

Supporting Fire

Jun 02 2022 03:56 PM by De1tas

Can you target yourself i 1 player game?

Confronting the Terror

May 11 2022 12:15 AM by Zarbarian

That is my understanding. Dealing and moving are different. If the damage was dealt, then this interrupt may be triggered. If the damage was just moved, then it does nothing. Anyone can feel free to correct me.

Confronting the Terror

Feb 18 2022 11:40 PM by jollyroger

Just looking for some clarification. Per latest FAQ moving damage is different than dealing damage, so I'm assuming this card will not work against Yularan or Imperial Fist?

Black Krrsantan

Jan 13 2022 07:42 PM by Zarbarian
Thanks to the “Book of Boba Fett”, I now know how to pronounce his name.
Fleet Staging Area

Feb 23 2021 06:57 PM by MarioFanaticXV

So you could pay for Baron Fel as a Pilot enhancement with this card?

Since it specifies "Printed Cost", which is "4" for Fel regardless of whether he's actually played as a unit or enhancement, I'd say yes.

Fleet Staging Area

Feb 22 2021 10:02 PM by mischraum

So you could pay for Baron Fel as a Pilot enhancement with this card?

Premonitions of the Future

Jan 06 2021 03:03 PM by MarioFanaticXV

Yes, it is Xizor. The entire challenge deck is effectively an adaptation of Shadows of the Empire, and as such has a lot of references to it.

Premonitions of the Future

Dec 30 2020 06:34 PM by RoyalAegis

Is that supposed to be a Vong alien in the background?


EDIT: It's Xizor 

Unfinished Business

Oct 17 2020 01:22 PM by sirivanhoe2

Card has been errated to be Jedi Unit (only) see FAQ's.

Abyssin Scout

Jul 27 2020 08:43 AM by TheNameWasTaken

I'd say yes.

Abyssin Scout

Jul 24 2020 03:51 PM by sirivanhoe2

Could it trigger it's reaction on itself being played?

FX-7 Medical Assistant

Jul 09 2020 05:31 AM by BallerMithel
Can this card remove a focus from Knobby White Spider when it is a unit?

Edit: Answer received. It cannot, as Spider turns into a unit during a selected phase and isn't an enhancement.
Feeding the Pit

Jun 28 2020 02:27 PM by mischraum

OK, I got in touch with Nate on this one.


Me: For Feeding the Pit, you can choose to discard the captured card (the cost), but if you can't heal the objective, you can't draw a card. You still, however, have succeeded in discarding that captured card (which is a rather nice way of putting valuable cards more out of reach of your opponent). Correct?

Nate: Correct. The cost is still paid (the captured card is discarded), but as there is no damage on the objective, nothing is healed. Since nothing is healed, the "then" effect following it does not resolve either.


So, this teaches us to look out for "then" statements to make sure that they can be resolved. So I was partly right about this card, and partly wrong.


The links in the post above already say so but I want to put it here right beneath the card: section 3.6 of the FAQ reverses this answer.

That Bucket o’ Bolts

Apr 12 2020 12:29 AM by dbmeboy

Question: If you use this objective to turn a unit into an enhancement, does any damage on that unit automatically fall off?

Damage (and focus tokens) stay on the card when it changes from a unit to an enhancement.

That Bucket o’ Bolts

Apr 11 2020 09:11 PM by Miximus2

Question: If you use this objective to turn a unit into an enhancement, does any damage on that unit automatically fall off?


Mar 08 2020 08:57 AM by Miximus2

One thing you need to get acclimated with right away is that the cards do exactly as they say.  If this card was meaning Guri strikes first, the text would actually specify that "Guri strikes first in this engagement", it does not say that, it simply says YOU strike first, which means you get to strike with anyone you want first.

I just noticed this after so much time! Practically makes her a get out of jail free card, especially with her objective out, if paired with a tactics unit.
Custom Paint Job

Feb 01 2020 03:35 PM by TheNameWasTaken


Republic Supply Cache

Jan 22 2020 12:50 AM by Zarbarian
You think that was good... try playing with Echo Caverns (Renegade Squadron Mobilization, objective set 44). Shenanigans galore!!

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