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Type: Character Faction: Hastur
Cost: 1 Skill: 1 Icons:
Game Text:
While Ghost is committed to a story, it gains Invulnerability.
Flavor Text: Good lord - that pale figure, that breath of foul air! Was this the spirit of the man I had called a friend? There was no friendship in him now.
Set: Core
Number: 91
Illustrator: Steve Ellis


Am I the only one who thinks this is a good include for the cost 1 spot. Hastur needs something to block in the starting turns and this does the job pretty well. Later it can be used to just slow down wins at a story you decided to let you opponent win anyway, and with just one character. Good blocker against anything without terror no?

Moon Worshiper, Ghost and some 2 cost characters with terror and combat should give you a good defence.

Against human decks it's good. Against mythos decks it's useless. I'd rather run Long-dead Prince, so I can use my 1-drops to soak up wounds later in the game. Nothing worse than having to wound your 3-cost character because your 1-cost character can't be wounded. Overall, Ghost gets 2 stars from me, 3 stars if you can give him terror icons.
Jan 09 2016 11:03 PM

I don't think it does enough. If it had Terror or Willpower then it would be great for preventing uncontested wins, but without those it's useless in nearly half of match-ups. And I mean useless, it brings no icons to the table, nor any interesting effects, so it does almost nothing to help you win the game.


If you want a few one-spots to smooth your resource curve or to get extra bodies early, look to the awesome Aspiring Artist, or maybe the Long Dead Prince, Starry-Eyed Adherent, or Maureen de Garmeaux (who is weak when you play her but can gain some real punch later).

Or better yet some of the 0-cost characters. Both zero costs Hastur character are great cards.


Also, I find a lot of Hastur decks have high levels of 2-cost characters, and go to a 2-2-1 resource spread on their second turn. These decks tend benefit less from having 1-cost cards at all.

Can it not be turned insane?
Can't be wounded at stories. I refer you to the core rule book.

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