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Whateley's Diary

Whateley's Diary

Whateley's Diary

Cryptic Text
Type: Support Faction: Neutral
Cost: 3
Game Text:
Attachment. Tome.
Attach to a character you control.
Action: Pay 4 and sacrifice Whateley's Diary to redistribute in any manner all of your success tokens onto stories among your side of the story cards in play.
Set: DD
Number: 77
Illustrator: Tim Arney-O'Neil


Can I use Whateley’s Diary (Foregotten Lore
F77)to move 5 success tokens on Ritual of
Summoning and 5 more success tokens on
Ritual of the Lance, to automatically win 2
No. Whateley’s Diary asks for you to
redistribute your success tokens onto
story cards in play. Redistribute means to
take from one set of sources and place
them in new amounts amongst that same
set of sources.

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