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The Archmage, Arcanis

The Archmage, Arcanis

The Archmage, Arcanis

Master of the Arcane Arts
Type: Character Faction: Neutral
Cost: 4 Skill: 2 Icons: (T) (C) (A)
Game Text:
Sorcerer. Independent.
When you play The Archmage, Arcanis, lower the cost by 1 for each neutral resource attached to the domain drained to pay for him.
Action:Sacrifice a support card to choose and remove a support card from the game with a cost equal to or lower than the card you sacrificed. Limit once per turn.
Card Designed by 2012 World Champion Tom Capor
Set: The Mark of Madness
Number: 37
Illustrator: Mark Behm


Assuming you have ways to bring your own supports back, say, with Mr Jamburg (oh, another neutral), abusing this version of Arcanis will be a blast.

With the amount of strong neutral cards in existence now, it's almost a 9th faction on its own rights with resource matching requirements waived. 4/5.

Nothing against this card or Tom Capor for designing it, but I think this was a missed opportunity considering this would be the final set ever released.  Personally, I would have gone with:


H.P. Lovecraft


Type: Character Faction: Neutral

Cost:Skill: 10 Icons: (A)(A)(A)(I)(I)

Game Text: 

Ancient One

Willpower.  Invulnerability.

Immune to triggered effects.

Action: Drain a domain and discard a card from your hand to search your deck for a card and put it into your hand. 

Special Attribute: Steadfast - A/M/S/O/C/H/S/Y x1


He could've been playable with Broken Space, Broken Time, Calling the Darkness, and Theosophist, and it would've been a great tribute to send the game off.  He'd be basically immune to the other cards in the game (as is only right for CoC's originator), and he wouldn't even have to go to stories himself necessarily.  As the ultimate combo enabler, he could let his "creations" do his work for him.  Your hand would basically become his brain, and like a mad writer, all sorts of crazy combinations are coming up in his head.


What do you think?  As cool as Arcanis is, would anyone else have liked to have seen a Lovecraft tribute at the end of the game?

    • Viciouscirclebl likes this

Somebody might overrule me here, but it seems like this guy would really like to be in a deck with a lot of Zoogs (if you're bold enough to go that route).  I read on FF's website that as a resource, Zoogs funtion as neutral resources.  So, you could pay for Arcanis with 1 or more Zoog resources, which allows Arcanis to be played at a discounted rate since its counted as neutral, then that Zoog becomes a support card (as many Zoogs do) that can be sacrificed to Arcanis's ability.


I don't know if Tom Capor had the Zoogs in mind when he designed this card, but if he did, well done!  Still doesn't make a Zoog deck viable, but it gets it closer.

    • Carthoris likes this
Aug 07 2016 03:51 AM
Zoogs have always held a special place in my heart. I wouldn't call it the card's primary purpose, but nothing wrong with a little synergy. ;

As for a hp lovecraft card... No. 1.he already had a ccg promo. 2. I'm not exactly a fan of his. I like some of his work and some of the work that spawned from his content, but... I have no desire to honor him.

To get Zoogs viable, you need this guy:


Dylan Parks. Zoogomancer! (Silver Twilight, unique) cost 2, skill 2 character (A) (A). Dreamer. Sorcerer.

Response: After you succeed at a story where Dylan Parks is committed, search your deck for a Zoog, reveal it, and attach it to one of your domains.

Pretty good, although I don't get the Dylan Parks reference.  I think we're going unglued now, but how about this one?


Mogwai.  The Fuzzy Progenitor (Neutral, unique) cost 4, skill 2 (T)(A)(A)(I). Zoog.  Creature.

Disrupt: When Mogwai is chosen as the target of an effect, attach any number of Zoog characters from your hand onto any number of domains you control.


I just really wanted to make a Gremlins reference there. :)

    • Carthoris likes this

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