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The Supplicant
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The SupplicantTrue Believer Type: Character Faction: Neutral Cost: 3 Skill: 3 Icons: (C) (C) (A) (A) Game Text: Servitor. The Supplicant enters play insane. Response: After The Supplicant is restored, ready it to choose and restore 1 character. That character gains Willpower until the end of the turn. Set: The Mark of Madness Number: 36 Illustrator: Jon Bosco |
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game, Living Card Game, the Living Card Game logo, Fantasy Flight Games, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.
Relatively bland design, but it does the job in fighting back insanity or just fighting at stories. 3/5.
I don't understand this card. Rather than restore The Supplicant and then restore Character 2, I could just restore Character 2. And the fact that Character 2 gets Willpower means if that character is a Lunatic, Benjamin Herriot, or a similar character that actually wants to go insane, too bad. If The Supplicant restored, READIED, and gave Willpower to Character 2 then I could see the benefit of this card. Plus, since Character 2 isn't readied, what's the point of temporary Willpower?
If anyone cares to help me out, I'd love to understand how The Supplicant is supposed to be helpful.
Well it goes from insane to ready, instantly. It also shuts down perma-lock from insanity-causing Lunatics on people whose effects you want to use later in the turn (Peter Clover, ST Carl Sanford).
It is suuuuper niche though