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Focused Art Student

Focused Art Student

Focused Art Student

Type: Character Faction: Miskatonic University
Cost: 2 Skill: 2 Icons: (A)(I)
Game Text:
Response: After Focused Art Student enters play, draw 1 card.
Set: WitD
Number: 8
Illustrator: Katherine Dinger


One of the first lessons learned by newcomers to card games is the value of card draw.  In Magic the Gathering, cards that replace themselves are called "cantrips," and they're worth their weight in gold.  Aggressively costed cantrips are even better.


Focused Art Student is an aggressively costed cantrip that works for both rush and control strategies.  She also carries the Student subtype, which enables lots of synergy with the rest of the MU faction.  Combined with bouncing such as Night Class, Infirmary, etc., and you've laid the foundation for a very fun, very effective deck.  Focused Art Student definitely earns 5/5 stars for me.

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