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Please comment with advice on how I could make this deck better. I have only used it once and it did well against a Stark Fealty deck.
Hi! You have a lot of 2 or less cost locations, and your deck is quite strong in power challenges, so I suggest you remove some copies of unique locations (having just 1 left of, for example, Street of Sisters, Iron Throne and Red Keep) and play 2 or 3 "Support of the people".
It lets you search for the location you specificaly need at the very moment, and avoid the anoying moment when you draw a dupe of one unique location.
I'm not sure this is a good advice but it could be worth a try!
Thanks that is a good idea I'll give it a try my group meets Mondays so I'll make sure to test it out then.
I updated my deck and tried it out last night went 2 - 0 vs Stark Fealty both matches. I removed all the duplicate locations and added a few more events also adding Tourney Grounds.
The first match everything worked perfectly I was able to get Mel out quick and knelt enough of his things that I was able to pump power through Sisters, Painted Table and Dominance wins that I was at 15 in only 3 rounds.
The second match was far slower I got Stannis out first round but he was pumping out characters like nobody's business he had pretty much every member of the Stark family on the table and some. Luckily Stannis was making him make hard decisions and my chuds were working well as foder. Ours is the Fury twice enabled me to come out of a bad situation. He definitely had a more commanding presence however Stannis kept everything slow which allowed me to win mostly on Dominance+Painted Table+ Gendry and a few power challenges.
Having Support of the People only really got used once however each time I went for it him defending was almost as good for me because he already had so few standing characters on the table each round.
I'm also building a KoS Baratheon, here is my thought :
Plot :
-Head on Spikes seems a bit cluncky here, it's low on eco and the card advantage it provides isn't that good. The fact it is a non reliant kill effect doesn't help.
-You don't have any draw engine or character fetch effect, and your deck is really reliant on Melisandre and Stannis. It's a bit risky.
-City Watch : I didn't like this character, as if you're behind in PoW he is really bad. And if you're above, you won't need it as you're able to protect your PoW. We're not really weak to PttS (well a bit) so I'm not sure that I will include it. Your thought on the card ?
-Gendry : I stopped to play Gendry because of Ward, as we can lose to it pretty easy, even with Cressen.
-King's Hunting Party : Kings are coming, but they are not that played. I don't like it.
-House Maester : I like the idea, we will have a new R'llor soon to take his place but currently it's a good spot.
-Lightbringer : it's a good card, but I will save a spot and play only one of it, as it doesn't win you game without Robert, which will win you game without Lightbringer.
-No Milk of the Poppy : Why ? The card is powerful and beat stealth, which is a real problem. It is also great agains't Jon Snow and Robb Stark to prevent standing.
Event :
The x2 is a bit strange, as Seen in Flames is so powerful (maybe one of the best event in the game with Treachery) that I can't see any reason to play less than 3. It prevent's PttS, Tears, check some character.
Ours is the Fury is in a good spot right now (less than in a Fealty build) as it prevents Tears of Lys, and x2 seems fine for me. Could see a x3
I don't like In the Name of Your King, even if it's better in KoS than Fealty. The card is a lackluster in hand until your opponent comes for a Mil, and is very sensitive to Int challenge, which will often happens first (beside tears effect). I will cut bot for a third Flames and a third Ours.
Support of the People is an incredible card, won me serveral games. 1 or 2 copies is fine.
-Singleton : 1 Throne and 1 Chamber is fine for me, but I'm surprised with the single Red Keep. For sure it limits the dread draw, but that is not a real problem as it will become a Int claim soak most of the time. The real problem is it's a key card in Barath, as the Melissandre Kneel-engine needs to draw a lot if we want to feed it with enough R'llor. Also the card is good on setup.
Tourney Ground is ok, but I'm not sure that Street of Sisters in needed. Going for a +5 PoW challenge is easy, but it requires already a strong board position and will basically means that we're favourite. Street is only a win faster card but the whole purpose of Baratheon is to lock the game. Not sure it is needed.
Armory is fine too.
But I'm surprised that there is no Stone Drums. It's a powerful eco location. Well I can understand that you're not playing it due to your plot pile.
Which trigger me. You have a lot of key location, key character and you're not running any way to pull them out. Not Building orders, No Summons. Your best eco plot is Summer Harvest, which is strong, but can also miss, other than that, you have no reliable way to pull 7 gold out, and can be stuck with Bob in hand. I don't think you need both Clash of King and Feast For Crows (Well, you don't need any of them) but draw engine is important, as strong eco plot.
I mean partially it is a preference thing. But I know that even running as many loyal cards as possible for Baratheon I was often only able to use the agenda maybe 3 times per game. + 1 gold is far more flexible. On top of that the +1 gold will occur when I want it to(assuming no winter agenda). Fealty however occurs when you draw the right thing. That is why I prefer KoS I just think it is more flexible than fealty is. Also versions of this deck have at times had more than 15 neutrals.
My answers are below in in green.
I really appreciate the detailed response after reading over what you have I'm likely going to make these changes.
- 1 Clash of Kings
+ 1 Summons
- 2 Kings Hunting Party
- 1 Lightbringer
- 2 In the Name of Your King
+ 1 Seen In Flames
+ 2 Milk of the Poppy
+ 1 Red Keep
And either
+ 1 House Maester(again more int and all 3 will be replaced by Asshai Priestess.)
+ 1 Ruby of R'hllor ( another r'hllor card and more non intrigue random discard like Seen in Flames and Heads on Spikes)