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Beachfront Property


28 makes you very short on characters, and this can lead to very bad setups. Constantly getting flooded with events/att/locations is usually very bad. Definitely this list lacks Dornish paramour, who are very good at forcing blocks to kneel, allowing to push more unopposed challenges. Edric Dayne is a second idea, as he is cheap stealth with any icon you need at the moment. 

    • Darklordjim likes this
Jan 05 2016 08:24 PM

28 makes you very short on characters, and this can lead to very bad setups. Constantly getting flooded with events/att/locations is usually very bad. Definitely this list lacks Dornish paramour, who are very good at forcing blocks to kneel, allowing to push more unopposed challenges. Edric Dayne is a second idea, as he is cheap stealth with any icon you need at the moment. 


Hrm.  Agreed, the setups are not always optimal.  THey dont seem to usually be bad, but that could just be luck.


This deck used to have dornish paramour in it.  I was trying to combo her with someone with the axe. Its an interesting idea.  I dont like Edric, partly because I dont feel my economy is optimized for him.  I'm consistently counting my gold for either characters or events.


given your logic, what attachment/location/events would you pull for a handful of paramours?

In my take on GJ I usually don't run milk at all. I play and build GJ as an aggro deck, that uses speed and pushing unopposed to win, so going into a long game of milking is not worth the slots. Milk is most often good just for a turn, as it usually will get hit with confiscation/here to serve the very next turn, or get removed with Viserys without making much effect. Short of removing stealth or shutting down Arianne Martell I find GJ to have little use for Milk, especially in Banner of the Sun build, where confinement deals with most stealth played.

I've also found Dawn not to be really great in fast builds. In slower decks it really shines a lot, but with GJ I aim to win fast with Banner on plot 3-4 when it will be +2 or +3 power. While Intimidate really helps in pushing unopposed the amount of characters with House Dayne is very low.

I would cut on a single dawn, and Milks.

Jan 09 2016 05:23 AM

It needs more playtesting, but I tried your revisions,  It may have been the matchups, but at no time did I see a dornish paramour that i wouldn't have rather seen a milk of the poppy.  That said, i only got a few games in.