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Defensive Stark


I took out 1 Shadow Tower (great when I can pull it off but I cant rely on it) and put in 2 Sworn Brother which has helped considerably. The deck is a great counter to the standard Stark power rush decks but can still have some trouble with a treachery happy Lannister deck due to all the triggers. I also swapped the Summons for the Stark Loyal Plot that lets you jump someone in (not showing up in CardgameDB deck builder) to see if it would be more useful but I didn't get much out of it.


In one of the games I played last night if it weren't for a timing mistake that I made with Stark Jon / Robs ability I would have been able to win during Marshaling phase the next turn.


Wolves Catelyn + Stark Jon + Riverrun Minstrel + Riverrun


It was a great set up but I ended up having to sac Jon himself to get Catelyn +2 Power to defend a game winning power challenge against me  =(