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Dorne Fealty

  • GoonieLaw likes this


May 19 2016 05:00 PM
This looks promising. Only a few tweaks needed. If Hotah's about, Arianne needs to be in the mix too - and not only for him! You're running lots of other targets for her to drop in. Try her as a 1-2x. Trader +1, Kingsroad +2 (otherwise getting your 4+ characters into play could be a problem), Quentyn x1.
Also, Doran is justifiable if you have more Lords/Ladies. Arianne is a must, she is one of the best Martell chars, especially if you have Palace spearmen and Knights of the sun. Try 2x all of them. You could put 1 Edric Dayne. Also, 3 Greenblood traders, they're even better now with First snow. I would take Confinements out.
Regarding initiative comments on your previous deck version, at the moment, it's usually better to be second player, so that you could see what your opponent plays and react to it. For Martell it's even more important.

So I'm thinking of cutting Dornish Paramour, Doran, and Quentyn, and sticking in Syrio and Arriane. Compensate for the lost insight with another GBT. Also thinking of swapping out Confiscation for Marched to the Wall, as had I had that plot earlier, I would have won the game. Also, might swap out Wildfire for something else with a high initiative, perhaps sneak attack, to give me the option of going onto the counter-attack when I need it. 
Whilst Dorne are good from taking the hits, when I get my set-up sorted, having the ability to make challenges first, would be a massive bonus. 

May 22 2016 06:44 AM
I would be wary of removing your reset plot, especially since you can use it to kill your own Quentyn and Bastard Daughters. No attachment control means Nym could be gimped for the entire game... I agree about Dornish Paramour, though. They're actually good in Targ-Sun decks.

If you're removing Doran, then you should remove Doran's game, and go for another victory path. Probably focused on Arianne and 4 costers.

The new changes are working really well. Stripping icons , and then poisoning is really tasty. In a game the other night I poisoned Tyrion, Margaery Tyrell, and Randyll Tarly who was duped, all within the opening few rounds. The Tyene/Tears/Attainted combo is just crazy. Double-tap poison. Beautiful.