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Dornish Sandstorm

  • dojireju2 and MuushusPork like this


What are your thoughts on In Doran's Name ?

    • planewaklka likes this
Feb 03 2016 12:12 PM

It's a good burst econ card "I am seeing a trend bout martell and burstiness". Yea its not that good when you get it early but then 1-3 gold for free isnt bad and can be used to bait out hands judgment, or and int. soak if things are not going well for you in that sense.

In Doran's Name can be a little gold burst to fuel a surprise Tears/Confinement etc mid-challenge

    • planewaklka likes this
Feb 04 2016 08:54 PM

One milk seems really strange to me. Everybody and there mother plays confiscation. Is it basically just there as a nightmares? I feel like it would be better to force them to discard their own attachment with confiscation.

    • planewaklka likes this
Feb 04 2016 10:15 PM

Yea, I am thinking I am going to replace it with a copy of shadowblack lane. To go search for checkmate "doran's game" or martell's shut up card "confinment". Least that's what I call them when I play.

Feb 04 2016 10:22 PM

Heres a question, I want to put in another shadowblack but I dont know what to knick out of the deck to keep with the 15 neutral cards.

The Hand's judgement is fine as a x2.

    • planewaklka likes this

I find in a Fealty deck that the 3rd Roseroad is an easy cut. 

    • planewaklka likes this

I think you should consider putting even one copy of Shadowblack Lane. It doesn't work well with Fealty agenda, and I'm not sure 7 possible events justify it.

Cutting Roseroad in another faction can be good idea, but here, with Long Plan, you need all the gold you can get. I'd rather cut Kingsroad.

    • planewaklka likes this
Feb 05 2016 05:21 PM

I'd cut a kingsroad over a roseroad in this build. I think shadowblack is definitely justifiable. It's really good for set-up and in terms of conflicting with fealty it gives you options. If you really need the economy from fealty then use it, if you don't then you can use shadowblack, or if you really need to find a Doran's game you can ignore fealty and save your house card for shadowblack.

    • Zilvake and planewaklka like this
Feb 05 2016 05:24 PM

And seven events is plenty, especially if one of them is your win condition. For one gold, whiffing really isn't catastrophic. 

    • planewaklka likes this
Feb 09 2016 06:58 PM

Small update, this deck got 5th in a store championship going 2-2

    • Zilvake likes this

Small update, this deck got 5th in a store championship going 2-2

How did In Doran's name work? Syrio?

    • planewaklka likes this
Feb 09 2016 09:31 PM

Syrio was amazing, stealth plus viper equals.....well fun. in doran's name was....interesting, it was extremely nice for a tears out of no ware but also as a little extra cash during marshiling