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Greyjoy and Martell will control the table
Submitted by
, Aug 14 2016 11:15 AM | Last updated Aug 14 2016 11:15 AM
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Aggro Control
I present a version of my favorite deck which allow me to win quickly several games with few defeats. I precise that i play against novice gamers (like me). Concerning the difference between this version and the most tested concern 2 cards: Pyke and Harmen Uller. Previously, i used Arianne Martell and Sunspear.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
The philosophy of this deck is based on "rush" using a control strategy. The house allows to use "loyal" characters (Balon Greyjoy and Euron Crow's Eye) and locations (Great Kraken ans Pyke). These cards offers some possibilities concerning the gain of power tokens to the faction (unopposed challenges, renown,...). The other characters and attachment complete this objective (Asha Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy and Fishing Net). Concerning The cards, I selected cards which combine offensive and defensive apects. event Confinement and attachments like Attainted are efficient to favorize unopposed challenges and control in defense. The characters are chosen with this logic. For exemple Nymeria Sand are usefull to make unopposed challenge or to block a character. As you can see, Bastard characters are strongly present in this deck, this fact incitated me to include Harmen Uller to reduce the cost of these girls (this advantage is complete by the presence of renown). Finnaly, I choose to include Weapons at the Door because the attachments of this deck can favorise a reboot without losing characters. Other plots are chosen to favorize unopposed challenges reducing the risks in defense (Jousting Contest or Calm Over Westeros, or to marshall a lot (Trading with the Pentoshi or Calling the Banners to keep the initiative), or to grab a lot of power point (Rise of the Kraken and Heads on Spikes.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0