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Hot Summer Knights
Submitted by
, Feb 24 2017 01:57 AM | Last updated Feb 24 2017 01:57 AM
LavenderFox likes this
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Summer Loving, had me a blast.
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Total Cards: 0
Summer loving, had me a blast. Summer loving, happened so fast. Met a Girl, crazy for me Met some boys, as many can be. Summer sun, Challenges begun, Let's Spam all our Knights Renown, Renown, Renown
You know how it goes.
Tyrell Deck I used recently to win a few melee events, it's also shown a lot of promise in my local meta in all sorts of casual - tournament events and jousts, however my area doesn't play much The First Snow of Winter or Valar Morghulis so I may just be lucky for now, as those two plots would probably ruin this deck's plans.
Pretty standard, marshall in as many knights as you can, using Knighted to give the keyword to any characters who don't. Once you've amassed about 5 power play A Tourney for the King and send the spam in. Go big or go home. Margaery Tyrell (Core), Growing Strong and Renly's Pavilion all helping push the challenge total to high twenties.
A Mare in Heat on a Arbor Knight is just plain old fun too in the early game getting the power up before the almighty rush.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0