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Lanni Dragon Hand Destruction 1.1
Submitted by
, Jan 29 2016 09:11 PM | Last updated Jan 30 2016 12:49 PM
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V1.1 - Thanks for the advice in the AGoT 2.0 FB Group!! Still need a couple cuts, but will test as-is to see what's on the chopping block - Empty your opponent's hand, trigger Varys, play Winds or Trading to either flood or smash.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
Empty your opponent's hand, trigger Varys, play Winds or Trading to either flood or smash. It does really well, generally, but can struggle with answering bigs (Dany has given me lots of grief, for example). You really need the Varys-->Marched play sometimes to have a chance against Voltron decks and/or key characters w/ dupes.
The Wardens plot is INSANELY GOOD, even better than I expected. If you can play Varys on the Wardens turn, get 3 (sometimes 4, 5, or 6 depending on if you have Cersei and/or Casterly Rock) cards out of their hand then trigger Varys, your next turn Winds can be devestating. Alternatively, you can play Trading w/o worrying about them benefitting much from the gold since they are likely able to play the 2 cards they draw anyway. Just be careful about hitting your opponent's Summons with your Trading, 4 + 3 = Tywin/Robert/etc.....
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0
I hint I've heard is fun: destroy hand-> wildfire->things i do for love->maybe marched