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Lannister Power Deck


Feb 03 2016 01:22 AM

Just to add to this: I'm a frequent Lannister player who is often frustrated by the slowness of intrigue heavy decks (until Small Council Chamber comes out!).


Lannister are quite strong on power, so I've supplemented that with Night's Watch who aren't too shabby in that area either.


Not much emphasis on Locations in the deck - as Lannister locations are intrigue based and the Wall isn't the greatest idea due to the large stealth contingents in my local meta.


I'm hoping that this modified "rush deck" might be able to get off sneaky intrigue challenges first up to empty the hand, then a power challenge.  Not too worried about military as Benjen loves dying and hopefully I keep seeing him by running 3  and have the economy from Tywin to play him out.