Deck: Lords of the Iron Fleet, or Drowning Is FUN!
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Lords of the Iron Fleet, or Drowning Is FUN!
Submitted by
, Mar 09 2017 02:23 AM | Last updated Mar 09 2017 02:23 AM
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Total Cards: 0
This is my first try at making a deck. The mechanics behind this deck are guided by 4 principles:
-Let the Greyjoys lead the charge: Lots of stealth, lots of buffing options. -Drown them all: "Drowned God's Blessing" and "Risen from the Sea" boost the Greyjoys and give them the Drowned God trait, which is another boost thanks to "Priest of the Drowned God". -Build the fleet: Lots of locations that boost the Greyjoys and let you play a lot of very cheap cards at an even cheaper cost and that allow you to call in Greyjoy reinforcements in a pinch. -Rinse and repeat as need: If anything goes wrong, there are lots of ways to bring back the big guys from the dead ("Aeron Damphair" and "Risen from the Sea").
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0
My biggest concern is related to my own area. We've got a lot of intrigue players in the local meta. I feel like everyone does. I'm concerned about the lack of intrigue defense coupled with a serious lack of draw. It's easy to save a lot of characters with this, but you still have to get some of it setup. You're opening draw is so important. If you dont get it, intrigue will blow you out keeping your hand empty. A decent rush deck will destroy this and win on like turn 2 or 3 (I.E. Tyrell Starks running Tully, Margaery, and Eddard and stacking renown on unopposed challenges.)
Still, I think it's a fantastic base. Especially because there are apparently new Drowned God cards in the works to really boost the schtick there. I'm going to try this out for melee too. I find Greyjoy really shines in a melee setting right now.
are these 21 characters enough? i sometimes have games when i wish i had more characters because i dont draw any and i always play at least about 31...
My biggest concern is related to my own area. We've got a lot of intrigue players in the local meta. I feel like everyone does. I'm concerned about the lack of intrigue defense coupled with a serious lack of draw. It's easy to save a lot of characters with this, but you still have to get some of it setup. You're opening draw is so important. If you dont get it, intrigue will blow you out keeping your hand empty. A decent rush deck will destroy this and win on like turn 2 or 3 (I.E. Tyrell Starks running Tully, Margaery, and Eddard and stacking renown on unopposed challenges.)
Still, I think it's a fantastic base. Especially because there are apparently new Drowned God cards in the works to really boost the schtick there. I'm going to try this out for melee too. I find Greyjoy really shines in a melee setting right now.
are these 21 characters enough? i sometimes have games when i wish i had more characters because i dont draw any and i always play at least about 31...