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Martell control NA


Aug 18 2015 07:05 PM

This is a deck I am eager to put some tries into. You are not concerned about the extreme icon disparity, or the lack of an answer to a Milk of the Poppy?

This very much a first and rough draft. The deck probably needs to Raiders to answers Poppy's and to add some more military power. I will try to balance the icons a bit more.




Updated the deck and It should function better right now.

You're only 3 Neutrals away from being able to run Fealty. The Iron Throne is really doing nothing special for you. You could cut it and one of the Neutral characters and get a pretty good bump from the agenda.

Arianne is amazing, particularly with her ability to convert Martell cost reducers from Grove/Scavengers into Neutral characters like Raiders, Littlefinger, or Horde. She can defend a challenge then effectively stand herself by putting a fresh body on the board. Her ability is also compatible with both Areo Hotah and Greenblood Trader.