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Night's Watch/Wolf: Power Rush
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, Oct 17 2015 08:55 AM | Last updated Oct 19 2015 06:27 PM
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Experimental Fun
Rush to The Iron Throne with the Watch and the Stark Family!
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Total Cards: 0
This has been a deck I've been testing on Octgn and finally got to test against face to face opponents. I've tried many...many builds with the Watch and I just couldn't find a deck I had fun with until this one. Your key cards in this deck on Sansa, the Wall, Ned (Eddard), Little Bird, Benjen/Snow and Longclaw.
Most of these cards help gain you power in some way, shape, or form. I chose Ned as my 7 cost character for this deck since it was the choice between the Old Bear and him. I feel Ned is just in a lot better place currently in the game the Mormont is. Plus, Ned's ability with renown can help speed the game along plus protect the wall.
I also chose to run Superior Claim in this deck as I've had several times where my opponent would throw out a chump for a power challenge or chump block Benjen/Ranging Party with Snow backing them up. It helps punish them for these actions and speed the game up. Most of the games I've played with this deck are also normally over by turn 4 or 5.
Overall, I'm going to be playing and tweaking this deck in the coming weeks. I'll do my best to keep it updated with what current version of it I'm running at any given time. Comment below as usual if you'd like too. :)
10/18/15 -1 Bran -1 Superior Claim +2 Hand's Judgement
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0
You gotta run Veteran Builder in a deck like this.
I'd also recommend adding Hand's Judgement, as this deck is extremely susceptible to Dracarys, PttS, Tears of Lys etc.
I've been trying to fit Superior Claim into my NW Stark deck as well. I'm trying to keep my deck at 61 or 60 cards, which is really hard too.
I think 3x Maester Aemon is important for this deck.
Other than that, I've built a very similar deck an I'm also having a ton of fun with it.
Thanks for commenting!
I tried and tried to fit Veteran Builder's into the deck but always ended up cutting them for card space. I did update the deck today and added in Hand's Judgements. Saw the need for that card when I had a scare: Sansa had 5 power and was almost put to the sword if bran wasn't there to cancel it. Superior Claim has certainly helped out a lot when it goes off, this deck also is able to run pretty well with only 62 cards since I can't bring myself to cut down two of them. I also haven't really found a need for a 3rd Aemon yet. Two seems good enough to be and 3 might feel like overkill. I will agree though, this deck is very fun!
I tried and tried to fit Veteran Builder's into the deck but always ended up cutting them for card space. I did update the deck today and added in Hand's Judgements. Saw the need for that card when I had a scare: Sansa had 5 power and was almost put to the sword if bran wasn't there to cancel it. Superior Claim has certainly helped out a lot when it goes off, this deck also is able to run pretty well with only 62 cards since I can't bring myself to cut down two of them. I also haven't really found a need for a 3rd Aemon yet. Two seems good enough to be and 3 might feel like overkill. I will agree though, this deck is very fun!
Just so you know, Sansa's ability gives your house power, not her individually. So even if she were killed, the power she accrued would be unaffected. It isn't like the keyword renown.
But I do suggest you keep the Hand's judgements for cases similar to that, like if you have Jon Snow with a Longclaw and 5 renown or something.
Maester Aemon x3 may be a bit overkill, but recurring saves are one of the best things in the entire game. I am never not happy to see him. Especially since he can save himself from PttS and Ice haha, he is almost never dead. The only time he can really die is Plaza of Punishment when you don't have the Wall out.
I still believe Veteran Builder wins games because, when he's out, unless the PttS or murder him in some other way (which is kind of silly) and you have the Wall out, you know you're getting 2 power that turn. No matter what. So you can even plan to not defend. Go all in after they kneel your wall, and then sacrifice him right before the challenges phase is over. This is assuming you're going 2nd. But I've had multiple games where I was at 10 power, my opponent thought they could get me to kneel my entire army, and then sneak some way to get an unopposed challenge and kneel the Wall. I would just let challenges go through, and then retaliate with a power challenge from Veteran Builder and Jon, a military challenge and an intrigue challenge for 3 power or so, then sac the veteran builder to stand the wall and win the game. It allows you to go on the offensive right when you need it.
But it's all in how you play the deck. I've found them to be invaluable. Plus 4 strength for 3 gold on the best icon in the game ain't too shabby.
You gotta run Veteran Builder in a deck like this.
I'd also recommend adding Hand's Judgement, as this deck is extremely susceptible to Dracarys, PttS, Tears of Lys etc.
I've been trying to fit Superior Claim into my NW Stark deck as well. I'm trying to keep my deck at 61 or 60 cards, which is really hard too.
I think 3x Maester Aemon is important for this deck.
Other than that, I've built a very similar deck an I'm also having a ton of fun with it.
Thanks for commenting!
I tried and tried to fit Veteran Builder's into the deck but always ended up cutting them for card space. I did update the deck today and added in Hand's Judgements. Saw the need for that card when I had a scare: Sansa had 5 power and was almost put to the sword if bran wasn't there to cancel it. Superior Claim has certainly helped out a lot when it goes off, this deck also is able to run pretty well with only 62 cards since I can't bring myself to cut down two of them. I also haven't really found a need for a 3rd Aemon yet. Two seems good enough to be and 3 might feel like overkill. I will agree though, this deck is very fun!
Just so you know, Sansa's ability gives your house power, not her individually. So even if she were killed, the power she accrued would be unaffected. It isn't like the keyword renown.
But I do suggest you keep the Hand's judgements for cases similar to that, like if you have Jon Snow with a Longclaw and 5 renown or something.
Maester Aemon x3 may be a bit overkill, but recurring saves are one of the best things in the entire game. I am never not happy to see him. Especially since he can save himself from PttS and Ice haha, he is almost never dead. The only time he can really die is Plaza of Punishment when you don't have the Wall out.
I still believe Veteran Builder wins games because, when he's out, unless the PttS or murder him in some other way (which is kind of silly) and you have the Wall out, you know you're getting 2 power that turn. No matter what. So you can even plan to not defend. Go all in after they kneel your wall, and then sacrifice him right before the challenges phase is over. This is assuming you're going 2nd. But I've had multiple games where I was at 10 power, my opponent thought they could get me to kneel my entire army, and then sneak some way to get an unopposed challenge and kneel the Wall. I would just let challenges go through, and then retaliate with a power challenge from Veteran Builder and Jon, a military challenge and an intrigue challenge for 3 power or so, then sac the veteran builder to stand the wall and win the game. It allows you to go on the offensive right when you need it.
But it's all in how you play the deck. I've found them to be invaluable. Plus 4 strength for 3 gold on the best icon in the game ain't too shabby.