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One if by stealth, two if by knelt

  • LarpyHagermeister likes this


Oct 10 2015 03:39 AM

I think this deck might work better if you switched some things (Mel, fiery followers, seen in flames, Balon, great kraken) to three copies and cut some slightly less effective things down to one copy (Alannys, theon, davos, little finger, maybe iron throne, unless you feel like you aren't able to win dominance without it). In my experience the deck is a little bit more consistent with these changes.

    • planewaklka likes this
Oct 12 2015 02:08 AM

Yea when I built this I was only getting 2 core sets but I decided to pick up the 3d after wining a scratch off for that amount "not even kidding". Once I get the other cores, all of my decks will probably be updated. As for what your saying I agree but I was used to running 2 but I can understand dropping the throne, alannys and davos to one. As for theon and littlefinger I have had some insane luck with them. Drawing seen in flames from playing finger while I have marsha out to kneel a Jamie while discarding a tyrion. As for theon I am a sucker for power gain especcally after wining a game I should not have won thanks to his power gain.