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Sands of Dorne


Why 2 jousting contests? Is there a synergy that I can't see?

Aug 13 2015 01:25 AM

I'm running it for a sort of challenge control. If i can control exactly how many guys are going into a given contest, it's easier to decide if i win or lose them. Plus, with things like Doran and Dawn, it's easy as Martell to have bigger dudes than many other people.

Aug 17 2015 07:58 PM

Updated! Pulled U/U/U for now to grab another Doran's Game and another Confinement. Trimmed a roseroad and a kingsroad to grab two Wildling Hordes, swapped an obara for a caleotte, and dropped 2x jousting contest to get Clash of Kings and another Confiscation

Aug 17 2015 10:58 PM

For some reason it didn't update the decklist...im sort of trying to get the hang of it, still.
Edit: Thar, I fixed it!

Looks good but why second wildfire?

And what is rebuilding for without good draw?

Aug 25 2015 01:40 PM

Rebuilding is for getting copies/characters lost to Varys back into the deck. The deck is running two littlefingers, two Dorans and three merchants, which is about as much draw as I can muster in a Martell deck. Second Wildfire is just added insurance in case of a second board flood.

I use counting coppers in every deck, specially in Martells as they dont have draw locations.

Using rebulding especially for that reason is Tech that will never in a million games benefit you. OK perhaps once or twice in a million games. Pretty much every other plot in the game is more useful to you.


As Martell using the Viper the last thing you want is to use wildfire. It's OK to have one copy just in case you fall behind to have some kind of evener especially with Martells late game Power. But in most cases you want as much STR as possible on the board and using Wildfire tends to even thing out with you leaving 3 big guys and your opponent leaving 3 big guys. That equalizes a lot of the challenge STR so it's harder for yuu to win by 20 or 25 or whatever to get a lot of power on the Viper.

Aug 25 2015 06:59 PM

I'm sorry, but "winning a challenge by 20 strength with the viper" is a situation I find less likely than "shuffling dupes back into my deck and redrawing them." As Martell, a faction that has to play a long game, it seems like a double reset to keep the board under control is a great idea.

Edit: Do you perhaps have a suggestion of what to replace the plot(s) with?