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Stark fealty
Submitted by
, Jan 24 2016 10:44 PM | Last updated Mar 10 2016 11:57 PM
Kennit, patval and Mylosh like this
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Jaime Aggro Tournament Quality
3rd place store champ.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
Murder. Open with a sneak attack and keep there characters dead. Ice, winter is coming make killing easy.
Key cards, Catelyn stark with Syrios training, this combo wins games stops all sorts of trickery iron fleet scouts, margery, dracarys, and shuts down greyjoys unapposed trickeries.
Sansa stark with lady, the ability to stand on demand is great earning 1 power in the process is a great way to close games. The ability to participate in 2 challenges aswell is great she is also a decent target for Syrios training.
Robb stark and grey wind . These two paired can devastate your enemy go all out in a military of power challenge then use grey winds ability to kill one of your own character and they all stand back up for another challenge or two.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0