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stark tyrell


Dec 10 2015 06:15 PM

Is there a particular reason you chose the direwolf pups/warm rain over tumblestone knights/winter is coming?

Direwolf pups, yet no Greywind, Summer or Lady. While Pups help with setup, and can become Braided Warriors, in your setup you're loading yourself with terrible monoicon.

Your Plot looks a bit strange, several heavy gold plots yet very little draw to use them and there are none 2 claim plots. Stark have a really good use for two claim plots, as with Winter is Coming getting 3 claim challanges can be a real game turner.

Luwin in 3 copies. You can easily tutor Maester with a plot, to have him when you already have Rob in play. While Tyrell Maester is not that great, you can still get 2 slots by cutting Luwin and running tutor plot.