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No Bran or Greywind with 3x Robb? I would also suggest adding some Arbor Knights due to your lack of Int, as I don't think you need 3x Arya and 3x Tumblestone Knight but still keeping the same gold curve. I would also consider Luwin for more Int and adding Insight for Robb as well as Little Bird for your heavy Renown characters - with only Littlefinger and For the North for draw, Int heavy and kneeling decks will be a tough match up, even with Eddard and Randyll in there. Bara and Lanni are both really scary.
I've held my own against Lannister decks with this, and 3x Arya has been absolutely integral - that little bit of insurance that i'll win those early military claims has helped tremendously. This is a very all-in offensive deck, though I can see why it would be good to add in the arbor knights. I may have to try and squeeze in Grey Wind to play around as well.