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Strong Knights undefended
Submitted by
, Feb 15 2022 09:49 AM | Last updated Feb 15 2022 09:49 AM
Klanister likes this
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Aggro Combo Control Tournament Quality Theme
Its centered around strong Tyrell knights.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
Attack with only one knight at the time and the enemy can only declare one defender. You have strong knights, but if the defender is stronger, you can stop them from blocking. Therefore, you will atleast win (but somtimes even undefended) every offensive challenge. And there are many strong knights to protect you in the defense.
I'm winning nearly every game with this deck, although two players are almost everytime are focusing me. Would be even stronger in joust, but is pretty decent in melee, too.
Dangerous counters: Karhold (Stark): You can't put power on characters. Nymeria (Stark): Can be sent into battle after defenders are declared. Winterfell (Stark): Cleares the skills from all your cards.
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0