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The rose on the Wall

  • MrPurple likes this


There are couple things that do not appeal to me:

- only one Mormont?

- no Milks. They are usefull even to have attention moved from Longclaw

- IMO one too many Iron throne, one too few Castle black

- one might think that one Aemon is too few.


It is possible I have missed the core mechanic of this deck. But those are the thing I would change first.

Plus - is Maiden event not a waste of card?

    • MrPurple likes this

I just won my first game of 2E with a tweaked version of this deck in melee it was only my second game of 2E ever. I included an extra Varys and an extra Yoren, Yorens ability is so great for melee I felt like having the 2 was a bonus. I do think it was pretty lucky to hit both Ben's early so I had a dupe to survive Varys when I had him midgame. Then I went forward with the throne,castle black and the wall. Into a turn in which I had naval superiority to cut off opponents gold allowing me to get unopposed challenges from my Ben who remained in play along side Yoren with someone elses Margaery marshaled through Yorens ability and an Old Forest Hunter wielding Longclaw to end the game.


It may have been a fluke though.


I've saved my tweaks as a deck so I can alter it in the future after a few more games with it.


I'm new to the deckbuilding part of the game and I know most people would dislike the prospect of a deck with more than 60 cards I'm not sure where to trim?


One of my opponents in that game used 2 Maiden events on himself to great effect; although I didn't hit any in this game I like the look of the card and to guarantee the draw of the cards you require I can see a place for it.